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Hey, *newish* Guy Here. Indubitably.

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Hey peoples. I haven't posted here in a while- two main reasons:* Just moved up a year to middle school (Homework moved up to 11 hours a week from about 6.)* Ubuntu accidentally formatted the partition that windows nestled in (Lucky me, seeing as I don't have an original disk). I'm currently going about my ways getting a new copy- so assume the positions when I begin to post in the computer help section.*IT'S MAH BERFD4Y 1N 4 DAYS!Third one shouldn't really be on the list; but I've had sleepless nights just lying in wait of the big day! To think- fourteen; I can do so many things!> I can no longer use my old oyster card (British underground + bus pass) to get free bus travel, I have to pointlessly get a new one and continue getting free travel..?> I can buy more items seeing as my pocket money is increased, plus I can stay up longer (OH SNAP).> I don't have to worry too much about spots any more (Strangely enough, it was at 12 that I suffered acne and by 13 it had dispersed), and I can continue growing my beard and mustache to the jealousy of my friends.> I can be fourteen!Well that sums up why I haven't been posted. Plus I've stopped work on my site, it closed down before it started as I realized how pointless it was.Anyway; expect more posting from me. Bye. :P

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Anyone who can correctly spell "indubitably" is ok in my book. Sounds like you have had a little bad luck, but it is over now. Go forward with great fortitude and Good Luck! B)


Oh yes, Happy Birthday in 2 more days. :P

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Thanks for the support. I don't want to dabble too much into the problems of my PC- but I've managed to get Windows XP up, it's the networking that stumps me.. Anyway; hope to post more around here. Good day.

Anyone who can correctly spell "indubitably" is ok in my book.

Finally; I'm appreciated for something more than my good looks!

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Hi and welcome to Xisto!The community here is something special once you get into it. As for your computer troubles, it just goes to show when they work they work, but when they don't, they really don't.Happy Birthday (a day away)

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Hey there and welcome to Xisto.com! It's nice to see that the younger demographic is also deciding to take advantage of this wonderful site. Happy late birthday.. (sorry for the delay...) Anyways, I would like to wish you the best of luck on your upcoming website, and I really hope that once it is completed, you decide to share your work with all of the community. Once again, best of wishes and see ya around on the forums!P.S. Enjoy your new transportation pass!

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