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Women And Sexism Bothersome and annoying

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Now comes the SEX part of it.All I can say is.. "Its Nature!" and everythings natural. As far as I know, Any NORMAL MALE specie will get attracted by a Girl standing in front of him.. Now, Girls, If you are attractive.. and that guy does not look, then there is definately something wrong with that chap
Also, When guys do hit on a girl who blows every circuit out of his mind.. he has two options, Either he waits for 3-4 months to get information about that girl and sorts out some way to find a link to her. Then he would finally meet her and talk ... talk .. impress.. ( continued for another 6 months ) wherby he can finally now think about getting laid! And At this point, if that girl says NO, that guy gets a TIGHT VIRTUAL Kick. ELSE, he might go to that girl.. and ask her straight away if she likes her or is least interested in him. this behaviour of some guys may be offensive to some girls .. but I think, girls are strong enough to ignore such things and continue with their beautiful lives...

Of course it's nature. Everything is nature. And it's also natural that women do not jump at sex like men do. Women do not think about sex every whatever recorded amount of seconds it was and not every woman will just accept a man's plea for sex in a split second. You think that women are all, "Omg, rape rape!!" And then you get all pissy because we don't want it all the time. Well we get all pissy because you want it all the time. I think this argument is a little ignorant and a little invalid.
By the way, when you say male species, you are only talking about humans...correct? If you'll know, only humans and dolphins have sex for pleasure. All other creatures in the world have sex for mating and reproducing purposes, and they therefore, do not look if one is attractive or not.

The BLAMING part..I am not a religion freak.. but I do respect those guys who really put all their trouble to make those books. BTW, If you think that the ones who did write them never got laid, then I feel thats a bit dumb.
In old times, Religion was the most powerful thing that bounded human beings.. All they had to do was say "I HAD DREAMS THE DAY YESTERDAY! AND GOD'S TOLD ME TO MAKE LOVE TO THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN TOWN SO THAT HE SHALL ...... ahem.. " You see.. no big deal!

I was making a sarcastic remark when I said those that wrote it never got laid. Basically what I was trying to say was that they listened to a book and let its words govern their lives and so they write more bull crap to finish it off. I feel it's a bit dumb that the bible/whatever was written by men where they build their own opinions off of a single story of how a woman 'tricked' a man into eating fruit off of a forbidden tree. If you honestly think that's a good way to make an opinion, then fine by me, I don't care. Just don't force the way you think on every other human on the face of the earth.
No big deal? I think that is a big deal. I'm not gonna let some guy have sex with me just because he made up some *BLEEP* story about how the 'mighty God' told him to. What kind of a person would I be? It degrades me, my gender, and all of society because one guy couldn't get a girl the normal way.
There are also those stories about guys who are like, "Would you rather go through a 3-6 month relationship just so you can get laid a few times then get dumped, or would you rather have a one-night-stand type thing?" I mean, why would you want to impose such a stupid thing like this on a girl, assuming she wants the relationship, rather than just going to get a prostitute or something? Because the girl you find might be a virgin? Because she'll most likely be clear of stds, assuming she's not a *BLEEP*/****? Because you can? This is *BLEEP* my friend. What I'm saying is that girls have feelings too, just the same as guys and they have to go through the relationship just like you. The only difference is, they may want to actually go through with it and not just go through it to get laid. Otherwise..they're lame. >.>

Not only women have been blamed, but there are so many chapters in which men have been blamed too.. Oh.. As for the EVE story, dont you think, it was EVE who pursuades the poor ADAM for the Apple fruit. It was only because of that, he had to climb that tree and get it for her... ( ehh.. this is what I heard. The one who told me this dumb story might be wrong) The people who have written those huge fat books really did had a lot of brains and do deserve respect. As far as i know, For every incident explained in the book, they have included appropriate explanations. And they cannot be simply be blamed for such reasons.

It's true not only women have been blamed. What's also true is that women are mistreated because of a couple of stories. I'm not quite sure you understand my point in all of this. Men might have been blamed, but there are only far and few in between that have had such a terrible fate. When a husband mistreats his wife, it's fine. When a wife mistreats her husband, it's disloyal and she should be sentenced to death. If this isn't *BLEEP*, then I don't know what is.
That adam and eve story you have there is way off. I think you might understand it a bit more if you read the segment. It's quite short. And just for this, Eve did not necessarily pursuade Adam. If you know, Eve was of course, 'tricked' by the snake into thinking the fruit was okay to eat. Something about the snake saying that she'll be able to then know everything that God knows. I dunno. Might wanna recheck the reliability of that story.
The people who wrote those huge fat books might have had many brains and sure, they deserve respect. And it's true, I do give them the respect they deserve. That is, until they start slandering a race/gender/religion of which they know little to nothing about, now that is when they deserve no respect. They wrote these books with only themselves in mind. They wanted to make a way of life, and so they did. Look at the world around us now. Africa is one of the poorest continents because of one religion. There may be a back story to the reason why europeans conquered it, I do not know. But you know, men wrote the books. That's all I have to say. If even one woman was on their team of writing the book, then my words will have been invalid and I'll return to my submissive state and be abused for being what I am.
As for appropriate explinations, I highly doubt this. If you have read the bible, or atleast some parts, I am very sure you will change your mind about this statement you said. If you honestly think any, if not all, of the events in that book happened with those explinations and even think those explinations are valid, then I commend you because I have not the brains nor sense to believe a single word of what some old cooks wrote three thousand years ago.

And just in case you think this, I'm not an atheist and I'm not closeminded...Atleast I hope I didn't sound that way.

As for Maddox...
I agree with pretty much everything except one or two things which he seems to be a bit ignorant on...

Why the hell do women get offended when they're called chicks? I don't see how that word can be remotely offensive in anyway. But, some women think it's derogatory and belittling. Some women are so petty, that they resent any male implication in the english language. Who cares? What if guys suddenly felt like *BLEEP*ing and wanted to eradicate all the derogatory male phrases from the language? Buster, Pal, Buddy, Stud, Hunk. Oooh, don't call me a buster, I'll be offended.

I'm sure you don't see it, but if you were refered to as a dog everytime you were spoken of, I'm sure it would offend you somewhere along the line. "Chick" may not seem like an offensive term to you, and I personally have no problem with it, but it is a derogatory term as with any gender/racial slur out there. It is denoting that girls are worthless and deserve less respect, and therefore are labled wussy, gutless, and therefore "chicken".

Who's to say what's offensive anyway? Just because a few feminist extremists think that something's offensive, does the whole society have to change their way of doing things? I don't want mother nature being called mother nature anymore, but rather father nature. &etc.

Er...Anyone who listens to feminist extremists have no mind of their own.
The difference between this rant and this topic, is that this rant is about feminists, and this topic, is about sexism. >.>

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Feminism is sexism in action. Sexism against men, women wanting to make us their b?tches. If you can't make that connection, well, you're more ignorant than I though. Again, words are offensive depending on their use. It depends on what context I was called a dog. If someone called me a dog because I have sex every night, have everything I'd ever need, and willfully speak my mind no matter what others think, then I'd take it as a compliment. If I called a girl a "chick" because I considered here a cute, cuddly person that I want to hold and take care of, then, that's a compliment in itself. Catch my drift?

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>_>'':rolleyes:''Gragh! All right. I accept defeat. But I shall, no I WILL, get you next time!

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Feminism is sexism in action. Sexism against men, women wanting to make us their bďtches. If you can't make that connection, well, you're more ignorant than I though. Again, words are offensive depending on their use. It depends on what context I was called a dog. If someone called me a dog because I have sex every night, have everything I'd ever need, and willfully speak my mind no matter what others think, then I'd take it as a compliment. If I called a girl a "chick" because I considered here a cute, cuddly person that I want to hold and take care of, then, that's a compliment in itself. Catch my drift?


I'll defend you Milk, whoever you are!


Sidenote: Yes, I AM I guy.


1. Feminism is NOT sexism in action. This notion is, in fact, completely ridiculous. I mean, c'mon. True feminism only wants to level the playing field, keep the sexes equal. And this, if I'm not mistaken, is what Milk is advocating.


To use an example...the civil rights movement. Just because blacks were fighting for more rights didn't mean that they somehow SUPPORTED racism...they wanted to end it. Same thing here.


2. Language is very important. Calling somebody a 'chick' can, in fact, be demeaning. It doesn't matter whether you are complimenting her or not, if she takes it wrong, then you're in the wrong. It's a matter of perception. Don't be blinded into thinking that just because YOU think it's ok, then everybody else would.


3. Women don't want 'to make us their *BLEEP*es'. Again, they want a level playing field. I mean, what's wrong with a guy cooking, or a woman construction worker? Absolutely nothing! We've just been taught that it's wrong for this to happen by society. And look what else society has taught us throughout the years... (slavery, anyone?)


So, in conclusion, give people like Milk a break. All they want is equal rights. And you demeaning them, just like you are now, just makes it worse. You support the wrong construct of society. Be sensitive...even though society may tell you not to be.

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Well, I do agree with you, Milk. I, too, am female. I just think that all people should be equal regardless. That doesn't mean that all people have to have the same tasks or jobs, but they still should be treated the same. Anyways...I suppose that is a problem that won't ever be resolved.... :rolleyes:

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Aww, you're so nice. :rolleyes: Good points though Yoicks. I'm so confused now. I had my mind set on one thing and then people go and mess me up like that. Gragh!

But yeah, all we want is respect. And I agree, it probably will never be resolved because that's the way most people are brought up to think and then they will usually pass it on to their children and this thought process will then continue on through generations and generations. =( It's a pity some people are so ignorant as to be sexist/racist/etc.

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I am quite un-familier with the religious texts. I dont have much information bout them either. I said that thing about eve because thats what i heard. I was not sure about that point either. my point was simple, Man and Women are seperate. Equality is good but the problem is due the diffrences, the equality rule can create problems. So there are cases where answering this question is difficult.As for blaming women for her mistakes, I agree to that point. A sin or crime must be given the same status regardless of who commited it ( man or woman ). The Society favors men when there are some cultural issues involved. Which is obviously not right. The main issue what i feel is Reputation and character (especially relating to sexuality ). Women have this extra burden on them. Society considers a huge diffrence between a virgin and a *****. We dont hear much bout gigeloes or male prositutes.Males dont face this thing. A guy sleeping with diffrent girl everyday is not blamed and the issue is taken very lightly. But the same act is pointed and critisized when a girl does it. ( i don't mean prostitution here ) I hope my point is clear .. :rolleyes:

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Yeah, I understand. It's just so unfair you know? And just today, I had a fight with my one friend and he was being so blatently...so ignorantly sexist that I was so sick of listening to him talk crap about me I had to ditch him. Damn well pissed me off too.But anyways, you guys made really good points in this topic. I have truly been enlightened by this conversation and it's entirety. :rolleyes: Much love guys. Hopefully we can have yet another illuminating conversation...unless this one still goes on O_oThen again, I think there still are more issues that involve this. >_> *waits till something comes up*

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Interesting topic.

Warning: Post may contain sarcasm. And it's highly unorganized, sorry about that.

I'd like to start of with Maddox.

So here you go: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=feminazi Everything said in that article, I agree with. If you don't, you're just whipped. Please commit suicide, or grow a penis.

Maddox's article has a few points. It also is quite simplistic and has a few false facts. Like

If 100 male chemical engineers that worked for fortune 500 companies were compared to 100 female chemical engineers that worked for fortune 500 companies, their pay would probably be the same, if not very close.

This is an obviously false fact. For the same work performed women on average still earn about 80% of what men do, doing the same work. And really, maddox isn't the place or a good source for nuanced discussion.

What I really find interesting is the sexist ideas posted in the first post. Claiming that women are better suited for cooking and cleaning than men. Why would that be? Because women have cleaning genetically programmed into them?

Saying sexism isn't a big problem is another nice statement. Of couse, who cares if women earn lots less than men. Or have incredible difficulty acquiring top-level positions in academics or businesses, or really any position above the entry level. Yeah, who cares.

Next quote:

I completly agree. Men and women are very different creatures and due to there differing physical and mental attributes are suited for different duties.

The average woman has less brute strength than the average man. That's a main difference. So work requiring brute force is better suited for strong persons, whether they are men or women. See, the sex of a person isn't really relevant for duties there. For feeding babies the sex of a person can be important, but otherwise?

Another one:

Its the selfish women who just want the right to vote, but then they sit on their asses at home and do nothing, complaining all the time, that really get to me. =(

But this rule doesn't apply to men of course? Oh, silly me, men already had the right to vote before women did, so they are above all this.

About the statements "It's Nature". There is nature, and then there is nurture. Men having an active sex drive but women don't? That's nurture. Face it, everyone likes sex, sex is good. But females are taught not to be sexually active.


It depends on what context I was called a dog. If someone called me a dog because I have sex every night, have everything I'd ever need, and willfully speak my mind no matter what others think, then I'd take it as a compliment.

And if she was called "****" because she had sex every night she should take that as a compliment as well I take it?

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What I really find interesting is the sexist ideas posted in the first post. Claiming that women are better suited for cooking and cleaning than men. Why would that be? Because women have cleaning genetically programmed into them?

Not necessarily that they are better suited for it, but because over the ages, the church and other such organizations have impemented this idea into people; therefore, the majority of the population believe it right.

I say this sometimes because the average woman is not built like a man is, and is therefore not as capable of doing heavy lifting, and so on, as efficiently as a man would.


Saying sexism isn't a big problem is another nice statement. Of couse, who cares if women earn lots less than men. Or have incredible difficulty acquiring top-level positions in academics or businesses, or really any position above the entry level. Yeah, who cares.

Well, I just didn't want to sound like a "Feminazi" as maddox would call it, and we all know feminists are annoying pains in the asses. They b**** and b**** and insteading of only being feminists, become conformists as well.


The average woman has less brute strength than the average man. That's a main difference. So work requiring brute force is better suited for strong persons, whether they are men or women. See, the sex of a person isn't really relevant for duties there. For feeding babies the sex of a person can be important, but otherwise?

It's not the sex that matters, it's the build of the person that matters...and it is a generally known fact that most women are weaker then most men. But I just realized this is what you said so moving on....


But this rule doesn't apply to men of course? Oh, silly me, men already had the right to vote before women did, so they are above all this.

Giving men the right to vote was never a problem nor did they have to fight for the right TO vote. With the acception of the slaves.


Anyways, good points. :rolleyes: It's interesting reading all of this. Post more!!

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The bible contains stories that almost always end with the woman at fault. Even genesis, when eve was blamed for having eaten the stupid fruit on the tree of life. It's wrong and cruel, and because the bible was written by old geezers who couldn't get laid, and had never been laid, society is like so.


I guess my point is, is that all humans, any race, any sex, should be treated with respect.


Agree? Disagree?


I Totally agree with you, but would like to comment on the last line. The whole story of Adam and Eve is 90% a made up story to convey to the ppl at that time and place some sort of explanation of their origins. But even if made up, they all reflect human nature. In the story Eve was made from the last (12th rib) of Adam.. Ever thought why?...well because it symbolizes that women are a part of men.. They can live separately, but not completely. And Eve eating the Apple... and giving it to Adam.... it just symbolizes greed.... They wanted to be greater than God. Then as very well understand, no such liberal thoughts were there. Maybe it was there but nobody shouted it out, especially the women. But "easy women" were there then too. You were correct at one point where u mentioned that women control men with such tactics.


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I think that Milk is being very open here. Not many females are as open as you when it comes to this topic. I hope more females can learn to be like you. Lets give Milk a pat on her back.Well, judging from my name, you can(in fact, should know) guess that I am male. Now..my opinions on this topic. I quite agree about what Milk said, about the feminists going 'We want equal rights!'. I believe too that we should work for what we want. Meritocracy comes into a picture. I believe that if a person is really critical in the company, be it male or female, the company would surely want/promote him/her. I don't see much of a gender issue here. It's more of merits, capibility and achievements than being male or female.By the way, Meritocracy is the ruling of a person based on ability and merits.Hope this adds to the discussion.-Shackman

Edited by Shackman (see edit history)

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:rolleyes: Thanks guys! <3

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Ok theres not that much Sexism. But i hate it when women freak out and stuff ex.)Guy: ok turn left at the next lightsGirl: UR SO CONTROLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Guy: but thats where we need to turn.....Girl: YOUR NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!!!I hate when they have there out of the blue feminest "speechs".

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Ok theres not that much Sexism. But i hate it when women freak out and stuff  ex.)


Guy: ok turn left at the next lights


Girl: UR SO CONTROLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Guy: but thats where we need to turn.....



I hate when they have there out of the blue feminest "speechs".


1. There is a lot of sexism.

2. That dialog you posted has nothing to do with sexism or feminism.

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