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Blue-ray Disks

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I think the thought of disks that can hold 50GB (both sides) is pretty awsome!

I mean espcecially for the fact that if/when the PS3 comes out Sony would probably make a "BD-ROM" with "900" of your favorite games from the PS2... cause one only one side of a blue-ray disks you will have 25GB!!! and on the other side the exact same thing... and what is going to make these blue-ray disks even better is that (of what I have heard) they are totally scratch proof!!!!!

and also a good advantage when these will come out is the fact that instead of backing up just what u want.... u could copy just ur entirre HD! now that would be awsome!

and what else will make this really cool is that it will write at the speed of 2X which for the blue-ray disks is like 9MB a second!!!!!

here are a couple of links if ur really, really, interested!





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That's a lot of data to have on a disk. Disk can get scratched fairly easily. I hope companies invest more in the flash drive technology. Flash memory is fast, small, durable, and doesn't need another piece of hardware to get the data (disk drive). Blu-Ray is amazing though, and I support it over HD-DVD.

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I think the blue ray stuff would rock, that's true, but support for usb devices on the PS3 would be tons better. (if we, the consumer, had to choose)I mean the usb-mini-drives would be alot cooler to carry around, and store data on, and then just plug into your friends PS3 when you go to their crib, instead of lugging your whole system (like x-box) or those dinky little memory cards (GC and PS2) And plus, there's so many USB devices on the market now, that if you made the PS3 with a 80 gig HD, and 4 USB ports, you could turn it into a computer. (If it could read CDs and install programs and stuff) It would be your game center/computer thing, which would be crunk as hell.Off to munch on bamboo,Panda

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