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Surveysavvy well, I just signed up

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I signed up for this service, I believe it was yesterday - maybe it was earlier today... My perception of time has gone through the window this summer because I haven't really needed to keep track of the days. Anyway, I seen another member on this forum made $120 off it this month, so I was interested.

Here are the perks that got me... considering I don't really believe in these online money makers.
+ Member on Xisto has said he made money from it - I doubt he's lying.
+ "SurveySavvy.com is part of Luth Research, LLC, a market research leader since 1977." - Meaning it is reputable.
+ 3 million people are signed up over 190 countries - so its not limited to USA and they are a good company.
+ $3 a survey may not be alot, but $2 for every survey your referrals do and $1 for every survey your referral's referral's do.
+ No limit on the payout.. (So you get paid no matter what!)
+ They send cheques... so everyone is eligable and you don't need paypal, egold, ect.

Well, with that being said, in my conclusion, they seem a reputable and deserving company. And If you are interested in joining, go for it!

*If you do join up, email me at irunvicecity@gmail.com or PM me, and I'll send you my referral code. Might as well help me out too :XD: - but you don't have to.


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