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New Study Shoots More Holes In Common Beliefs About Evolution

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In yet another case, it has been found that species thought to have evolved into other species were actually around at the same time, meaning they couldn't have evolved. As the study's co-author, Fred Spoor, says in the article, what it paints for evolution is a "chaotic kind of looking evolutionary tree rather than this heroic march that you see with the cartoons of an early ancestor evolving into some intermediate and eventually unto us".

Here is another article I found of species living at the same time that the very species they were supposed to have evolved into were still around include:


Also, it appears Lucy does not fit into the evolutionary chain as well as was once thought, although it hasn't received much press:


My question is, how many holes will need to be shot in the common beliefs about how evolution happened before "science" and the public begin considering alternative possibilities?
Edited by Joshua (see edit history)

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Didn't the tree turn into a web a long time ago? But the main reason why this theory still lives on is because of the school books (last i heard)—no one wants to have them with up-to-date material. I hear they argue similar to, "Although it's not true and been refuted, it still promotes thinking, and that's the reason why we keep it in the books." This is why arguments are just mere repeats of the past—never anything new; it's always the same thing. Many have tried to make the publishers print out up-to-date material, but their (the publishers') argument is always the same.

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My question is, how many holes will need to be shot in the common beliefs about how evolution happened before "science" and the public begin considering alternative possibilities?

by other possibilities do you mean thoughts tht religions have come up with? huh, sure yeah right those make sense. :P

Notice from truefusion:
You should know by now that you must quote what is not yours.

srry true it was an accident. big deal anyway.
Edited by arza1 (see edit history)

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by other possibilities do you mean thoughts tht religions have come up with? huh, sure yeah right those make sense. :P

There's a good chance he does. But you do realize that just 'cause it doesn't make sense doesn't make it false. And what seems logical doesn't mean it is true. For example, how many theories were shot down though they made sense? And how many things were proved true though it didn't make sense (at first)? But you speak in general: "religions." Each religion has their own thing that makes them unique. Also, just 'cause one person says one thing about their religion doesn't mean that that is what that religion teaches or says. You can't rely on others, you have to judge the religion yourself (1 Corinthians 10:15). But if you choose to listen to others (for even i choose to listen to others), make sure they back up their words with scripture so you can test their words as well.

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well from my veiw it would be like me taking the show avatar and making it my religion. sounds stupid doesn't it. but sure enough i beleive that there is this person out there that is going to save thae world that has the powers to bend water earth fire and air. you can try and try to make sense of most religions that people have and i am still going to say it sounds silly. because to me it does. whether you like it or not.

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well from my veiw it would be like me taking the show avatar and making it my religion. sounds stupid doesn't it.
but sure enough i beleive that there is this person out there that is going to save thae world that has the powers to bend water earth fire and air.

you can try and try to make sense of most religions that people have and i am still going to say it sounds silly. because to me it does. whether you like it or not.

It's a personal peeve of mine when people put down the beliefs of others thinking that theirs are superior.

If you think about evolutionary theory, it's claiming everything we now see, this vast complex universe, poofed into existence from nothing. It's pretty incredible if you think about it to claim that computers, and the wonders we see around us in nature are often more complex than anything scientists with all their technology can now create; all of this just came from "nothing".

I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just asking: have you actually thought about and considered how logical and sensible your own beliefs are?

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It's a personal peeve of mine when people put down the beliefs of others thinking that theirs are superior.
If you think about evolutionary theory, it's claiming everything we now see, this vast complex universe, poofed into existence from nothing. It's pretty incredible if you think about it to claim that computers, and the wonders we see around us in nature are often more complex than anything scientists with all their technology can now create; all of this just came from "nothing".

I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just asking: have you actually thought about and considered how logical and sensible your own beliefs are?

Aren't you putting down scientific theories thinking that your 'beliefs' are superior? Aren't you violating your own pet peeve!

Does it make sense to believe that something as complex as an omnipotent god 'poofed' into existence? The gradual organization of energies into more complex systems makes perfect sense if you understand science. I'm not a doctor, so I wouldn't critique medical science. You're critiquing science. Are you qualified? Is your pastor or minister qualified? How can you sit there playing on a computer and the internet, which could never be invented by your pastor, and use this instrument of science to say scientists are wrong? It's like flying 'around' the world saying to the world that the earth is flat! Hello!

There is no point to your links. Of course, many species existed. The Indonesian apemen were on an island, cut off from the rest of humanity for tens of thousands of years. They didn't evolve with us because they were not mating with us! They were on an island! Lucy and other such apes existed. Nobody is playing a trick on you. How it all adds up is something that scientists are still working on.

Imagine yourself to be a twig on a branch of a tree. From your point of view. looking down toward the branch, you're a unique twig on a branch of a tree. As you trace yourself to the branch you see that there is no break. You're a twig on a branch of a tree. You see no relation to any other twigs or branches on the tree, and one could make the argument that your perception is valid enough, though with some perspective, you're clearly related to the other twigs and branches of the same tree!. Likewise, as humans we see our own lineage and don't see monkeys in it. We see ourselves as human and were always human. Our perception is correct, but we were once much smaller, hairier, dumber, didn't speak, and before that we didn't walk on two legs, and before that we had tails, and before that we looked more like rodents, but we weren't rodents. We were human, and before that we came from the water, but we weren't some other fish. We were us always. Looking backwards, we never see the branching off effect, but it was there.
Edited by mikeyboy63 (see edit history)

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The thing is, we haven't discovered it yet. It is hard, but we are getting thereWe have discovered so much more than 50 years ago, making this clear.But remember, saying "God did it" doesn't mean anything. :D

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