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Hey Everybody! Elaks

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Elaks here. Real name's Alex- you can probably see the lose anagram in my nick name.Anyway- I'm basically looking to start up a content filled portal; I know what you'll think- not another one!? Don't worry, I've have three years of experience with site ownership, and know the do's and don'ts of advertisement, the line between contetn and eye, and finally- how to lure in more members. Hopefully it will be up within a month or so- I'll concentrate more on content than making a unique theme at the beginning, but I have the ability so it'll happen soon. :D

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Hello Alex.

Actually, the first thing I did with your name was invert it, yielding me skale, which doesn't mean much. Then, when I read your post, you said something about anagrams so I cam up with the following words: leaks, lakes and slake :P

Anyway, welcome to Xisto :P If you haven't done so yet, please check out the Xisto Readme. We will eagerly look forward to your content portal.

Anyway, welcome once again to Xisto. Enjoy your stay :D

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Thanks for the welcome. yeah, I really meant it when I said "lose" anagram. You've got to admit Aleks is a pretty cool name, I was thinking about making it Elakz... The "Z" makes it cool as is the norm. :D Thanks again for the welcome.

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Hello Alex Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. I see you have already applied for hosting, so I will pass up the lecture on spam, following the rules and behavior on the forums. Good luck on your application and see you around the boards.

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I can't look away from the dancing Milk Carton, it is so mystifying :D, well either way welcome to the website and since it has been mention about what to do here, I will let you go and enjoy your time here on Xisto.

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Hello Alex,Welcome to Xisto and like the others I do not think I have to remind you about the rules and Congratulations on getting your free Web Hosting. Hope you succeed in making the web site as you wanted :DYour milk carton is hilarious..I was watching it while I was listening to music and he danced well to Queen :PAnyway Welcome and Hope you enjoy our little kooky world

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