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Eureka Second Season! Premiers July 10th

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I was actually going to wait and see if my suggestion to have a tv show subform under the entertainment board but seeing as its two days away from the premier, I'll just post here.Eureka is defiantly my favorite show on tv. Its a sci-fi channel series about a U.S. marshal who accidently runs into futuristic town where alot of the advanced U.S. government's advanced inventions are made. I first saw a few ads for this show last year and I started watching the first series and got hooked to the show. Its the classic sci-fi type theme mixed with suspense and humor. :D The sci-fi channel recently announced that the second season of Eureka will be aired on July 10th! Huzzah! I was wondering who else here on trap has seen it and what their oppinion on the show was.

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I actually ended up watching most of the first season during the marathon a couple weeks ago. I really like the show, but i'll miss the first show of the second season because i won't be home to record it. I love the show, it's funny and smart (like me!).I especially liked the mutually assured destruction one (where the guy accidently started up that death ray).

Edited by t3jem (see edit history)

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Lol that is one of my favorites too.

Why can't you people just say death ray?

Even though I really enjoyed that episode, I think my absolute favorite is House Rules, where the smart house holds everyone captive. Many good laughs in that one :D

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haha, I never saw that one, but I saw the episode where the house got mad at him and locked him out because he missed dinner, I couldn't stop laughing at that! :D

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The first show of season two was AMAZING! It really was suspenseful and very shocking.If you missed it and didn't record it, here's just a little hint at what happened so you don't get left behind:

Since Carter went back in time, to stop Henry from saving Kim, only Henry and Carter are reliving the past 5 years of their lives over again. Henry tells carter that because they are living an alternate timeline where Kim isn't saved, the events that happen are going to became more and more different than before, (the butterfly effect), so they really have no idea what is really going to happen. Carter soon realizes this as he notices that the day that Allison and him go on their first date, she seems to be drifting away from him and comforting Stark (her ex-husband). When Carter comes to Henry's office to tell him how everything he knew is falling apart, Henry offers him a way out: Henry has an altered version of the memory wiper that can wipe long-term memories, and adds that he wants to do it to both of them because Henry says that he will never forget that Carter stopped him from saving Kim and will always has a feeling that he wants to kill Carter, even though he knows that Carter did the right thing. Carter is slightly suppressed at this but responds that he doesn't know weather he wants to do it or not, and Henry says "Then I'll make it easy for you", and wipes Carter's memory. After carter leaves, henry pulls out the memory wiper again and hits it with a hammer saying "I will never forget" :oIn the show there is also a subplot about people spontaneously combusting and by the end of the show carter figures out that everybody who has burned so far are people who were near the artifact durring the accident. The only person that was near the artifact that they were able to save from burning was Stark. AND Stark is fired because of the accident and Allison replaces him.

Talk about shocking!

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