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Church Of England Threatens Sony With Legal Action

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The Church of England are considering suing Sony for using the inside of Manchester Cathedral in "Resistance: Fall Of Man"


But the Church said Sony did not ask for permission to use the cathedral and has demanded an apology and the removal of the game from shop shelves - otherwise it would consider legal action.

In some ways, I do agree with CoE here. Ignoring any copyright issues, they should have picked a better location than that. Manchester is the worst city in England for gun crime (IIRC). If they wanted to use a real-life cathedral to base the game off, they could have picked a better one than that.
The church is also the organisation most likely to sue if you rip off the interior to one of their buildings.

More than anything, I'm surprised Sony actually went to the trouble of copying an existing building. They could just have easily designed a totally fictional new one.

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I think its plain stupid. So Manchester has a history of gun problems. Look at Baghdad they have a history of gun problems and they still do and i bet if sony based the game their they wouldn't care. However I do see RedAlert's point of going to the trouble of copying an existing building when they could have built their own. Also i know for a fact that Sony will not recall the game so legal proceedings are likley to follow and i cannot see either party winning.

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Well for the most part this matter was already settle a couple of weeks ago, I am not aware of the details as to what sony would besides champion gun control and all that good stuff. But the reason COE got into a huff puff about this is a violent game, and so blow up aliens or whatever inside a holy sanctuary is forbidden or some nonsense like that. Sony did have rights to use the church just not for blood and bullets to be splattered all over the wall. It's a matter of taste and respect in the case of the church of england and misuse of that location. Although my history of England maybe a bit lax I do believe a few people wanted to blow up or destroy that building in some way.

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