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Kind Of Templates

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what are the different kind of template what does that mean ? like....HTML Templatephp templatecss templatethese term sound some thing but what does that mean when we talk about templates in programming like in c++ ? what does it mean ? what we can template in c++ ??

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Those templates are self explanatory really; HTML template is a template entirely coded from web standard html coding and nothing else, PHP templates are templates that coded in nothing but php and some minor html, and CSS templates are templates that designed in style sheets and the only thing you need to do is connect them to the HTML file and your down. Of course that a general answer to your question, but as usualy though some people have whip out more complex answers that make you go "Huh???". As for C++ I have no clue because I don't code in C++ find it even more confusing then php and asp combined.

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