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Questions And Anwsers Need some help

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Hey, I posted this on Xisto,



I am new to this sight so i don't know a lot of things.


Some of these questions maybe off topic since I the FAQ forum does not work for me O_o.


I put this under data base thread cuz the main question is about data base.


Before that, I was told that i gain credits by posting. How much?


Is it a fixed number per post or is it related to number of characters,words or lines. Does the content affect the number of credits awarded?


Do replies give credits?


Now that thats over I have questions about Data bases.


I am new to the data base Mysql. I have some C++ and PHP skills. But i don't know how to intigrate PHP and C++ into databases (Mysql)


Can someone tell me how? Cuz when i tried to do it I was getting messages like unknown command or error in input ( I was inputting echo and () along with


other normal commands so I dunno why i was getting that)


I also want to know if I want to make a data base and intigrate PHP into it (requires a server right?), does this sight have what I need? Cuz other sights cost


money to give such services. And if so are they 100% free?


Another question regarding database is that I want to make a game, a textbased game that is based on time not turns. Any one can give me an advice on how


to make the data base or even give me or tell me where i can download a data base and edit it as i want. The game would be war between militias (same as the


theme of mafia but different options and engines)


Can you tell me how i can get the sign up and verify thing into my game once i make it?


Also, I fail to combine my php files, I made php files that are enough to make a small game but i dunno how to combine them , in other words I have the files


but i don't know how to put the game together and get it online.


Finally, can i make profit from this sight even if i don't pay money for the webspace? like put adds and charge money for certain previlages in the game?


If so, where can i get add offers (similar to googles adsense)


Thanks for reading.


I got some helpful anwsers like:

Hi there and welcome to Xisto forums!

I will try to answer your questions as accurately as possible but I am not too familiar with programming so please bear with me here.


1. Post quality is ALWAYS preferred over post quantity. An average-sized post with good content will earn more credits than a large post with little content. Don't spam, don't post junk and don't post 1-line topics. Do make sure that you have an introduction, strong supporting statements describing your topic/problem and you should usually include a closing to wrap up a topic. This will ensure you get maximum credits for your topic. Using a broad vocabulary also helps, use a thesaurus if you want :)


2. Lines, sentences, character count, word count and paragraph count doesn't matter in the forum as long as you have good content. As stated above, quality is preferred over quantity. :P


3. Replies also count towards post count and credits. Good quality replies in discussing the topic result in more credits being given out. Do not make posts that say only "I agree" or "Thanks" or anything similar. Include some more with your reply. :)


4. You can read about working with MySQL at W3Schools. As far as I know, PHP is the best language for manipulation of MySQL databases. I have no clue whatsoever on anything related to C++ but I am sure you can dig up some information on connecting that with MySQL on Google if it is possible. I searched Wikipedia on C++ and can't seem to find anything about MySQL in there. As far as I know, C++ is for developing software applications while PHP is used for developing web applications and dynamic sites. :?


5. Yes, Xisto provides PHP and MySQL server capabilities for free as long as you keep a sufficient amount of credits in the forum. We are very generous compared to other servers. If you find that keeping credits on the forum too difficult/time-consuming, there is Xisto's sister company, Xisto - Web Hosting, which provides cheap web hosting with equal or greater server capabilities. ;)


6. I am also developing a text-based game, but mine is based on turns not time ;). It seems as though you are developing a game similar to Travian with with more textual content. You should look at similar games and search up some more information.


7. I am assuming you mean a registration and login script with a CAPTCHA when you mean sign up and verify. This is quite easy to build. If you do not want to build one form scratch (it's easy as long as you can refer to PHP commands), you can probably find one at HotScripts that suit your needs. I built my own script with MySQL authentication but without a CAPTCHA, it wasn't that hard considering my knowledge of PHP.


8. To link the pages together, you use basic XHTML linking to link the pages :) Like this in your HTML code:

<a href="page.php">This is a link to a page</a>
If you are talking about including pages within each other using PHP, you do either this:

<?php include('page.php');?>
or the better, stricter way:

<?php require('page.php');?>
The difference is that if you require the page, it will stop loading the page after it finds an error if the page is not found, you made a spelling mistake, etc. If you are including the page, it will generate a PHP warning and continue loading the page even if the page doesn't exist, etc.


9. To my best knowledge, you are allowed to make profit off of your site while being hosted off of Xisto. However, it needs to be legal, secure and within the Xisto Terms and Conditions (Terms of Use). I am not too sure on this one, ask someone else just incase.


10. Google AdSense is not something that you buy to get more privileges to Google. Google AdSense is a way to make money while displaying ads on your page. It is by far the most common one by a trusted company. If you want to make money while offering special privileges to the game, you need to include something in each account (record) in your MySQL database about paid and etc. I have no clue how to implement this though.


I hope that is sufficient information to answer your questions. Good luck and have fun! :P



Anything more i should know?


If this is in any way against the rules please tell me before deleting me or something.

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Hey, I posted this on Xisto,

I am new to this sight so i don't know a lot of things.


Some of these questions maybe off topic since I the FAQ forum does not work for me O_o.


I put this under data base thread cuz the main question is about data base.


Before that, I was told that i gain credits by posting. How much?


Is it a fixed number per post or is it related to number of characters,words or lines. Does the content affect the number of credits awarded?


Do replies give credits?


Now that thats over I have questions about Data bases.


I am new to the data base Mysql. I have some C++ and PHP skills. But i don't know how to intigrate PHP and C++ into databases (Mysql)


Can someone tell me how? Cuz when i tried to do it I was getting messages like unknown command or error in input ( I was inputting echo and () along with


other normal commands so I dunno why i was getting that)


I also want to know if I want to make a data base and intigrate PHP into it (requires a server right?), does this sight have what I need? Cuz other sights cost money to give such services. And if so are they 100% free?


Another question regarding database is that I want to make a game, a textbased game that is based on time not turns. Any one can give me an advice on how to make the data base or even give me or tell me where i can download a data base and edit it as i want. The game would be war between militias (same as the theme of mafia but different options and engines)


Can you tell me how i can get the sign up and verify thing into my game once i make it?


Also, I fail to combine my php files, I made php files that are enough to make a small game but i dunno how to combine them , in other words I have the files but i don't know how to put the game together and get it online.


Finally, can i make profit from this sight even if i don't pay money for the webspace? like put adds and charge money for certain previlages in the game?


If so, where can i get add offers (similar to googles adsense)


Thanks for reading.


I got some helpful anwsers like:

Anything more i should know?


If this is in any way against the rules please tell me before deleting me or something.

Well to start off the Xisto readme link should work and so click this link http://php.net/" target="_blank"> and most of your questions can be answered. All my answers are in exact order of your questions I am just going to number them.


#1 The number of credits you get is determine by how long your posts are; the longer the post is the more credits you receive and of course the shorter your post the less credits you recieve, the max amount of credits you can receive is 10.


#2 The number of credits you receive is based on the characters, refer to my first answer


#3 the replies gives credits to the person who posted the reply not to the person who made the topic


#4 For the most part all php scripts have a connection file that connects the php script to a MySQL database. Some scripts dont require a database because some are simple enough that information doesnt need to be stored. All the information you can find is right here at php main website http://php.net/] http://php.net/. There are literally thousands of php tutorials websites which help set up php scripts so they will be able to tell you what to do get most php scripts to work with or without MySQL. Visit [url=http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and it has a large index of good tutorials.


#5 Xisto has everything you can possibly need in order to run a successful website, if you go to the main website it lists what Xisto has to offer.


#6 There area lot of free hosting sites that offer php and mysql, but once you start using Xisto services and move on to paid hosting services you dont want to go anywhere else.


#7 I know there are plenty of books on how to design it, but I dont know any specific ones, try googling search: text based rpg in php (click the link and it will do it for you) and see what kind of results you can find.


#8 Either book will tell you how to set a log on script or you can make yourself one by scratch, but since this is not my strong point I am only guessing.


#9 You have to do several things the first part is that you have to integrate the scripts within each other, meaning you need to a connection link in php that will make them work together. The next part of course you need a php/MySQL hosting website in order to run them, obviously. You also need to know how to secure them problem by either chmodding the files or setting up security through your file manager to were all your scripts are loaded on.


#9 Yes you can make money off your own site, best answer would be to search and see what you can find; adsense would be the best way to go provided you have a steady stream of traffic coming into your site.


Hopefully some of these answers help you out in some sort of way.

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