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The Best Zip Function

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my 6th code is very useful, you can zip your file by this:

<?class dZip{	var $filename;	var $overwrite;		var $zipSignature = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04"; // local file header signature	var $dirSignature = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02"; // central dir header signature	var $dirSignatureE= "\x50\x4b\x05\x06"; // end of central dir signature	var $files_count  = 0;	var $fh;		Function dZip($filename, $overwrite=true){		$this->filename  = $filename;		$this->overwrite = $overwrite;	}	Function addDir($dirname, $fileComments=''){		if(substr($dirname, -1) != '/')			$dirname .= '/';		$this->addFile(false, $dirname, $fileComments);	}	Function addFile($filename, $cfilename, $fileComments='', $data=false){		if(!($fh = &$this->fh))			$fh = fopen($this->filename, $this->overwrite?'wb':'a+b');				// $filename can be a local file OR the data wich will be compressed		if(substr($cfilename, -1)=='/'){			$details['uncsize'] = 0;			$data = '';		}		elseif(file_exists($filename)){			$details['uncsize'] = filesize($filename);			$data = file_get_contents($filename);		}		elseif($filename){			echo "<b>Cannot add $filename. File not found</b><br>";			return false;		}		else{			$details['uncsize'] = strlen($filename);			// DATA is given.. use it! :|		}				// if data to compress is too small, just store it		if($details['uncsize'] < 256){			$details['comsize'] = $details['uncsize'];			$details['vneeded'] = 10;			$details['cmethod'] = 0;			$zdata = &$data;		}		else{ // otherwise, compress it			$zdata = gzcompress($data);			$zdata = substr(substr($zdata, 0, strlen($zdata) - 4), 2); // fix crc bug (thanks to Eric Mueller)			$details['comsize'] = strlen($zdata);			$details['vneeded'] = 10;			$details['cmethod'] = 8;		}				$details['bitflag'] = 0;		$details['crc_32']  = crc32($data);				// Convert date and time to DOS Format, and set then		$lastmod_timeS  = str_pad(decbin(date('s')>=32?date('s')-32:date('s')), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);		$lastmod_timeM  = str_pad(decbin(date('i')), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);		$lastmod_timeH  = str_pad(decbin(date('H')), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);		$lastmod_dateD  = str_pad(decbin(date('d')), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);		$lastmod_dateM  = str_pad(decbin(date('m')), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);		$lastmod_dateY  = str_pad(decbin(date('Y')-1980), 7, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);				# echo "ModTime: $lastmod_timeS-$lastmod_timeM-$lastmod_timeH (".date("s H H").")\n";		# echo "ModDate: $lastmod_dateD-$lastmod_dateM-$lastmod_dateY (".date("d m Y").")\n";		$details['modtime'] = bindec("$lastmod_timeH$lastmod_timeM$lastmod_timeS");		$details['moddate'] = bindec("$lastmod_dateY$lastmod_dateM$lastmod_dateD");				$details['offset'] = ftell($fh);		fwrite($fh, $this->zipSignature);		fwrite($fh, pack('s', $details['vneeded'])); // version_needed		fwrite($fh, pack('s', $details['bitflag'])); // general_bit_flag		fwrite($fh, pack('s', $details['cmethod'])); // compression_method		fwrite($fh, pack('s', $details['modtime'])); // lastmod_time		fwrite($fh, pack('s', $details['moddate'])); // lastmod_date		fwrite($fh, pack('V', $details['crc_32']));  // crc-32		fwrite($fh, pack('I', $details['comsize'])); // compressed_size		fwrite($fh, pack('I', $details['uncsize'])); // uncompressed_size		fwrite($fh, pack('s', strlen($cfilename)));   // file_name_length		fwrite($fh, pack('s', 0));  // extra_field_length		fwrite($fh, $cfilename);	// file_name		// ignoring extra_field		fwrite($fh, $zdata);				// Append it to central dir		$details['external_attributes']  = (substr($cfilename, -1)=='/'&&!$zdata)?16:32; // Directory or file name		$details['comments']			 = $fileComments;		$this->appendCentralDir($cfilename, $details);		$this->files_count++;	}	Function setExtra($filename, $property, $value){		$this->centraldirs[$filename][$property] = $value;	}	Function save($zipComments=''){		if(!($fh = &$this->fh))			$fh = fopen($this->filename, $this->overwrite?'w':'a+');				$cdrec = "";		foreach($this->centraldirs as $filename=>$cd){			$cdrec .= $this->dirSignature;			$cdrec .= "\x0\x0";				  // version made by			$cdrec .= pack('v', $cd['vneeded']); // version needed to extract			$cdrec .= "\x0\x0";				  // general bit flag			$cdrec .= pack('v', $cd['cmethod']); // compression method			$cdrec .= pack('v', $cd['modtime']); // lastmod time			$cdrec .= pack('v', $cd['moddate']); // lastmod date			$cdrec .= pack('V', $cd['crc_32']);  // crc32			$cdrec .= pack('V', $cd['comsize']); // compressed filesize			$cdrec .= pack('V', $cd['uncsize']); // uncompressed filesize			$cdrec .= pack('v', strlen($filename)); // file comment length			$cdrec .= pack('v', 0);				// extra field length			$cdrec .= pack('v', strlen($cd['comments'])); // file comment length			$cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // disk number start			$cdrec .= pack('v', 0); // internal file attributes			$cdrec .= pack('V', $cd['external_attributes']); // internal file attributes			$cdrec .= pack('V', $cd['offset']); // relative offset of local header			$cdrec .= $filename;			$cdrec .= $cd['comments'];		}		$before_cd = ftell($fh);		fwrite($fh, $cdrec);				// end of central dir		fwrite($fh, $this->dirSignatureE);		fwrite($fh, pack('v', 0)); // number of this disk		fwrite($fh, pack('v', 0)); // number of the disk with the start of the central directory		fwrite($fh, pack('v', $this->files_count)); // total # of entries "on this disk" 		fwrite($fh, pack('v', $this->files_count)); // total # of entries overall 		fwrite($fh, pack('V', strlen($cdrec)));	 // size of central dir 		fwrite($fh, pack('V', $before_cd));		 // offset to start of central dir		fwrite($fh, pack('v', strlen($zipComments))); // .zip file comment length		fwrite($fh, $zipComments);				fclose($fh);	}		// Private	Function appendCentralDir($filename,$properties){		$this->centraldirs[$filename] = $properties;	}}$newzip->addFile('dUnzip2.inc.php',  'class dUnzip2/dUnzip2.inc.php');$newzip->addFile('documentation.txt','class dUnzip2/documentation.txt');$newzip->addFile('dZip.inc.php',	 'class dZip/dZip.inc.php');$newzip->addFile('sample.php',	   'sample.php');# // Save the new file$newzip->save();?>

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Hello, I work with my friends on open source project (https://sourceforge.net/directory/os:windows/
wversions) developed in PHP. It can be used for exchange, file management and version control through the web. I have found your source code with class dZip on internet and I would like to request your permission to use in it our project, if it is possible. Looking forward for your responseBest regardspetdin

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