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Gift Sig For Misathorpe Queen Of All Evil

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Well as I promise I finally got Misa's sig completed after trying out some idea's and what not and so here you go misa your evil sig,


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lol i thought you meant "misa" from death note. hahaha. good thing you spelled misanthrope's nick on the sig properly :lol:nice sig by the way. i don't know about disturbing though. it's cute, but i can't say it's "disturbingly cute". lol did that make any sense?

Edited by master_bacarra (see edit history)

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Good effort, not really what I was expecting though. I guess that's an axe she's holding behind her back? A little too much Japanimation and "cute" for the Queen of All Evil if you ask me...

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A thousand thanks, Saint Michael. As per usual you have outdone yourself! But I fear you are too kind, for I am not near as nice or benevolent as the cute little gal (I'll refer to her as "Sunny") you so kindly fashioned for me on this happy sig. On the contrary, I am a dark, melancholy, evil wench whose long black hair barely disguises her pale, scaly skin, yellow fangs, sharp taloned claws and foul, fire-breathing breath. Now if you all don't mind, I'm going to have "Sunny" over for lunch - with some Cabernet of course, and I suspect she'll be the main course.........Muahahaha! :lol:

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I dunno a cute girl with blood all over her and the axe telling me to be quiet is a lot more scarier then the most evil darkest person in the whole world. I still have nightmares of bumping into a cute girl and she starts swining an axe :lol:.

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