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Image Ready

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hello everyone, well i downloadet ps cs3 20 days ago, and i just notest that imageready isn' t in the , but it was in cs2 and other additions, but i realy need image ready, so i can make my animation, and rollover, and basicly as most of u use dreamweaver to code, i first use imageready,to code my site and make rollover, and stuff so basicly what i wanne ask is does anyone have image ready and could u send it to me via my hotmail.greet crazy

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Interesting enough Imageready has been incorporated into CS3 just go to window and click animation and there is your image ready animation, it's a bit tricky to use at first but you can go into classic mode for a bit easier animation process. Also making a post asking people to send your Serial numbers is against the rules as well.

Edited by Saint_Michael (see edit history)

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