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What Is A Black Hole (another Theory To Them)

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I think, I know what you're talking about, I saw that show, too. Interesting, yeah. But nothing more. As far as the time standing still is concerned - it will continue its way as long as you hit the "surface" of the black hole. The time tands still onl if you are moving with a speed over the speed of light. But once you stop - the movement of time continues. As far as the stars being born around black holes - that is a complete nonesence, in that case there would not be spiral galaxiest tens of parsecs actoss, all the stars would be clustered in the center, collide, and thus ruin the whole galaxy. A black hole in the center of each galaxy is only necessary to keep the inner and outer stars in constant motion so that they don't collide with one another and prevent the galaxy from collapsing upon itself. Though high, their mass is finite. It has been calculated - not estimated - that every supermassive black hole in the center of galaxy weights exactly 0.5% of the galaxy's mass. I'm not sure as to where does it lead us as far as rotation and stuff, but I am sure that there is some math used to ascribe for the phenomena. All a black hole is is a supermassive star that ran out of fuel and its mass is too high, as it starts expanding, so, that the radiation from the most dense part - the core - cannot hold the weight, and the star just collapses upon itself. The acceleration is so great that the star itself becomes a very small object. Depending on its mass it can become a white dwarf star, or a black hole, if the mass is high. Scientists today tend to consider the black holes as garbage bins of the universe - they collect the unnecessary trash around us and get rid of it. How does i happen - nobody knows, probably just the hole itself is getting larger, but nobody really cares about that. Scientists also consider using them for that purpose in the future - to keep litter away from the Earth. In that case I have a question - why don't you just dump stuff over on the Sun? It's closer, thus, cheaper, anf it provides more fuel for it to survive. Yeah, there are many other weird theories like the wormwholes and stuff - but I don't really believe in them as they have no scientific or matemathical data to back them up.

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