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Hey guys even though I am back to Canada this seems to by my most depressing period of my life as my brain is thinking up crazy things all the time. You see i always wonder why I am like this, you know I was never able to make my parents happy with marks and those of you who are Indian can understand me because Indian parents are very strict. My cousin is a bookworm and me I am like after girls 24/7. How come I am like this? You see my cousin is so sober and nice that I am sure even if a girl comes up to him he would turn around and say no. Man I am depressed. Please help me guys I am very depressed.

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Well, I'm not very good at counseling, but I'll try. For the part about chasing girls, your hormones are raging and controlling your body right now, it is hard to fight it, but you just have to gain more self control. As for being depressed, just think of all the good things in life. For one, your alive aren't you? That's always a good thing. Try and hang out with some kids that are smart and will help you study for school, that will help get grades up. If all else fails, try seeing a counselor for help.Hope this helps.

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Be a bookworm like your cousin. You might start to like books more than ladies.

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Being Indian and with strict parents doesn't guarantee you will steer in the direction of bookworms and doctors. I have some friends who are just like you and not really that great with school or grades. I'm sure if you present to your parents the pressure you feel to be like other Indians they'll just dismiss your feelings and tell you to sit down and read books. Not all people are made the same way. Some with more hyperactive glands that produce hormones at a faster and greater amount or whatever it may be. You might have ADD but I won't go around using that as an excuse all the time. haha.If you really want to be book smart try to isolate yourself from electronics or anything that will get you off task. Get some of your books and sit down somewhere like a library or even you can a coffee shop. Some people like to study in areas with sound but not too loud. Some just like total silence. Silence can drive you crazy if your not that kind of person. I hope everything goes well. I"m asian too i feel the need to be book smart too. I'm not as smart as I would like to be, but if i sit there and apply myself I can go places with my life.

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Lol being intrested in girls isn't wrong in anyway at all. Trust me, all guys feel that way sometimes in their life. Mostly during puberty, you get nervous around girls, its really normal. It eventually goes away, and then being with girls is just normal. Having strict parents just make it all the better. You want things that you can't have, its just the way of life. Your cousin is a book-worm, because he finds it fun, you like girls because you find it fun. It all depends on how you grow up, and who you hang out with. People used to say that to me all the time, but it really is true.

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Lol being intrested in girls isn't wrong in anyway at all. Trust me, all guys feel that way sometimes in their life. Mostly during puberty, you get nervous around girls, its really normal. It eventually goes away, and then being with girls is just normal. Having strict parents just make it all the better. You want things that you can't have, its just the way of life. Your cousin is a book-worm, because he finds it fun, you like girls because you find it fun. It all depends on how you grow up, and who you hang out with. People used to say that to me all the time, but it really is true.

I totally agree with this. Forcing yourself to do stuff you don't want to do, and fighting stuff you do want to do never helps anything, you just do it, forget about it, and then you go and do what you find fun again.

If your really worried about your future, and not what your parents think, then start off easy. Pick something your interested in, and start off doing easy things to do with it in your spare time - for instance, you fancy yourself a writer, start off by reading the harry potter series. Then move up to lord of the rings. Then some classic writers like walter scott. If you like the first series, actually like it, you'll gradually start to move up faster and faster till eventually you can read the count of monte cristo in a week and be top of your english class.

Same is true of every other thing you might want to be - interested in computer programming? start off slow, build a website. Then build a better one. Move up.

Interested in politics? read a newspaper. then read another one. then read all of them.

And so on. Good luck, but do not force yourself to do things you don't want to do.

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