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Old School Arcade Review (captain America & The Avengers) AVENGERS ASSEMBLE

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I am in shock and awe that I got in two arcade reviews in one week and two think I was going spread them out and stuff for people to read and bring in their thoughts of these old school games. So lets head down to memory lane to another great old school game from the Marvel era, Captain America and the Avengers based off of comic book heroes and villians made famous during the 40s-60s. There not much to go with on this game because if you read any of my previous reviews, this game more or less for the same structure of course adding it's own flavor. Such as the hitting special effects of "THWAK!," "WHAM!," "KABOOM!," "KRAK!," in cookie wording. So lets get started by saying those famous words AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!!


Captain America & The Avengers

Some screen shots


Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image


Game Maker: Data East


Year: 1991


Levels: 5 with sub levels in each stage


Price: 50 cents


Sound: 9.5 (the music was awesome but that laugh got annoying after awhile, the character audio was clear so that was good point)


Graphics: 9 (although the graphics were clear and colorful they lacked detail, especially compared to the games that came out before it)


Mini Games: none


Difficulty: 9 ( I give this a nice high rating since your life bar is limited unless you pump in enough quarters to max out, of course that wouldn't matter when it came time to the bosses as they had their unique abilities.)


Game play: As usual with most beat em up games you get a standard attack, running attack, jumping attack and of course the two button combo special attack. Of course you get to pick items to throw at the bad guys like benches, rocks, cans and other goodies.


Plot: Well the story goes the Red Skull decides to take over the world with a giant laser cannon and of course with the help of several villains and giant robot machines. So as Captain America or one of the other Avengers your mission if you choose to accept is to save the world and defeat the Red Skull.


First Impressions Of course as usual with my memory when it came to figuring out how much I spent playing this game is pretty week, so I would go with the $30-$40 range as to how much I dropped into the machine. As usual I would tell you how far I got into this game including it's port but strangely enough I can't give a straight answer as I feel that I actually gone all the way in port and maybe the last stage in the arcade game with help of course. Either way this was a good game especially the flying and swimming stages as you could use your special attack without pressing two buttons. I know my brother and I would play this game on the genesis and play till we had no more continues, but like I said I can't really recall if we ever completed the game or not, but I believe we did. Of course the one thing I do remember is that the audio was horrible on the port you could barely hear what they are saying, however, the arcade was crystal clear. I almost forget you got help from other members of the avenger team with either life increase, flying machine's, diving gear and protection, although the protection was more useful then anything else as you could wipe out more bad guys and what not.


16 years later Well I got this game to play and this time I can confirm that I actually beat this game and I would say it took about $70 worth of quarters on two players (didn't have the 4 player version) to finish this game. My finger's were even hurting after playing this game, but I believe I played a few others when I started this game. Still enjoyable but replay value is kind of sub par since you have only 4 characters to use and so once you run through all 4 of them no point in really playing it again.



Overall Ranking9 (good game to play for some sweet text effects and the annoying laugh "HAAHAHA" or something like that, but replay value is limited, yeah you could see how long you can last but it gets boring after awhile.) If you find this laying around in a arcade or find a port or it's MAME go ahead see see how far you can get and enjoy the sweet ending.



So now for a catchy slogan.....


"Games don't get old, just people!"


--Now for some copyright info--

Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
Edited by Saint_Michael (see edit history)

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