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Friends Bug?

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Could it be that i found a bug? Go to my profile and look at the sidebar where my friends show up. I just recently became friends with hotchick, but she isn't in the list. You only see her when you click on the friends tab. Is there a reason for this? But this isn't the main thing. When i was trying to figure out what happened i clicked on her profile, i'm listed under her friends, but it dosn't say my posts. It says



Active: --

Now this i thought was very strange because everybody else has their post count and activity listed, and as i was looking at the list, i noticed more people with no post count or last active information. Misanthrope was one, and jlhaslip was another, but i just checked back and jlhaslip has it now. So what the hell is going on with the friends lists? If you look at red alert, another one of my friend's profile, you will see that my post number and last active show up.


I guess none of this is too big of a deal, i just found it all very very strange, and I can't possibly think that this is a feature...

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Might have been one of those random glitches that happens in the forum, occasionally people report that the hide tag glitches and thus the sig block shows everything. I remember back in 2005 people were having problems were their accounts when it came to pm's and even moderator reports and that they never got them. But I check out my friends list and everything was there, so it's nothing to worry about unless it starts becoming a habit and what not.

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I see that all the time with S_M in my profile's friends section. I just thought it was 'cause of his post count, but i can see it's not 'cause of that. But, yeah, it's not that big of a deal, and figuring out the reason why that is is best left to the programmers of this forum script.

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Yes as you said it wasn't a big deal i was just wondering what exactly was going on, or if there's a setting i missed somewhere. Thanks though.

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