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Lost My Thumbnails In Windows Explorer How do I get them back.

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Panic time. I have lost all my image thumbnails in Windows Explorer except for wmfs and bmps. Also, when working off line, iExplorer isn't showing images except for gifs. Since I use these options all the time working on graphics for web sets I design, this presents a major problem for me. I am unable to view my work to see how the coding layout is working. I am running on Windows 98 (yes I realize it is outdated but that is all I have right now) and iExplorer 6.0. iExplorer is working fine on line. I have checked all my file associations and they are in order. I have tried updating my file associations using the regsvr32.exe/i shdocvw.dll command as suggested by Microsoft.com, but even tho it tells me the update is successful, nothing changes. I tried restoring a previous set of system files using the scanreg/restore command at the dos prompt, but that failed. This is scarey people. Does anybody have any clue what the problem might be?

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Well I got the link took some time finding this answer but this post seem the most logicial, funny feeling you seen it as well, but here it goes. Person had the same problem as you and so another member listed the following links





now when I finish reading the post it was mention that link number 4 was the one that worked because of the IE repair tool would correct this. Also here is ome more info on the repair and how to use it as well.




Hopefully these 6 links will be able to help you recover your images mich, but if not then I recommend that you save everything and the reinstall windows to recover the broke file that deals with the images.

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Thanks Saint Michael. I had already been to all those links and none of the suggestions worked. The repair tool is meant for iExplorer 5.0 and I am running 6.0. Before I reinstalled Windows 98, I decided to give it one more old college try. The last time I updated iE I kept a copy of the setup.exe file. So I logged on line, ran the iE 6.0 setup.exe. After selecting items to reinstall, wallah, my thumbnails came back. Also, iE is now showing all image files when off line. Something must have been corrupt in iE. I don't know exactly what went wrong, but everything is working just fine now. This proves again that iE is an integral part of the whole Windows system. When it isn't working right, Windows Explorer doesn't either. I hope this is the last time I have to fiddle with iExplorer. :( Here is hoping I can upgrade my puter very soon. :unsure: $$$

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