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S & M Movie Review Corner: Grindhouse None spoilers

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Well I just got back from the movies about 10 minutes ago and I just saw Grindhouse Which was directed by Robert Rodriguez (Planet of Terror) and Quentin Tarantino (Death Proof) including a all-star cast of some great actors who made cameo's and even starred in other movies by this two great directors. We have Danny Trejo (Bartender from Dusk Till Dawn Trilogy), Bruce Willis (Die Hard Trilogy), Tom Savini (Dust to Dawn, Dawn of the Dead Series,) Rose McGowen (Black Dahlia, Ready to Rumble), and even Fergie makes a cameo to just name a few of the all star cast.


As we all know this movie is a double feature of two movies in one, pretty simple concept which means each movie was about 75 minutes a piece including credits and excluding the ending credits (which was shown at the end). The first thing I will mention about this movie is that main theme is straight comedy and dialogue, the violence was an added bonus. So for now for the big review, and I also I will not be giving any major spoilers about these movies.


The movie starts out with some good movie concept previews, meaning they are not coming out but were part of the movies themselves, which were so funny, that everyone in the theatre was still laughing as the movie was about 5 minutes in.


Ok so the first movie was Planet it Terror directed by Robert Rodriguez the one thing I will mention about this movie is that it's another cheap zombie with people who have nothing in common banded together to survive movie with about 60 thousand different twists in it which were even better when you see them. But if you have seen Dusk til Dawn the special effects were about 10 times better especially the blood splatter and what not. Of course he actions sequences were top notch and never slowed down, who would have thought someone can do that kind of damage with knives and junk. Lets see what else, well like I mentioned above this movie was straight up hilarious, the one liners the jokes the puns were awesome and they slowed down the movie whatsoever. But to keep it a non spoiler topic I will mention that girls with guns is a good idea ;).


Well after the movie ended with a touching ending and a Gatling gun ;) we were introduce with another movie concept previews was which about 1000 times more funnier due the fact Nicolas Cage makes a cameo in this preview and I put it like this the theatre was still laughing to about 10 minutes into the movie.


Then we were introduce to our next movie Death Proof staring Kurt Russell and directed by Quentin Tarantino as the bad guy (you will like his characters name), the one thing I will mention is that if you seen Reservoir Dogs it is a lot of talking and little action although when the action did get started it was just as good. Another interesting point in this movie they use a good size chunk of actors from the first movie in this one as well, you will know when you see them. But the one thing that turned me off about this movie was the talking, don't get me wrong Quentin Tarantino is genius when it comes to dialogue especially when they talk about "nothing". But when the movie consists about 50 minutes worth it kinds of gets boring after awhile, even thought this still was a good movie that’s the one thing only.


So we go through another end which was even better then the last one and you will see why and after that the credits are rolled and the movie is done, now for some ratings



Story/plot: 10/10 although the talking in the second movie was a bit much still going with the perfect score.


Dialogue: 10/10 I give that for reason everyone had good lines in the script when it came to the comedy. Of course I don't know much about how dialogue works so It could be a lower, but since I am reviewing it I stick with the rating.


Special Effects 9.5 /10 they had their moments with the special effects, but I think they went to much when handguns were used. Yeah I should get booed on that one but again when you see the movie, you can tell were it became unrealistic and straight up nasty stuff (their is just some medical conditions I do not want to have).


Characters/Actors: 9.8/10 although they did a good job thanks to RR and QT directing and writing styles, their was some parts that I that could have been developed better since a lot of people had lines in this movie


Music: 8/10 the music was a bit of a let down for the most part but was actually good during the action sequences and twists for both movies, their could be something else to it but I just can't put my finger on it.


Overall Rating: 47.3/50: good movie with some great stuff and great comedy, with partial lets down, but I think when I see the movie again (DVD) I can change my overall assessment of this movie (got to love the bonus stuff).


I recommend the movie even if you don't like violence, but once you get past the violence in the movies it is quite enjoyable I would put this movie in the top as RR QT best movies ever done so it is worth it, although the box office says otherwise


$11,596,613 1 week old


Legit Movie Previews (that I remember)


Live Free or Die Harder (Die Hard 4)


In The Land of Women

Edited by Saint_Michael (see edit history)

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This movie is pure genious. It has it all sex, action, love story - anything you could ask for. It keeps you interested, never gets boring and has laughs in it. The previews between the two main features are hysterical. The one that Nicholas Cage is in is hilarious, it had everyone in the theater rolling. Both main features are extremely good.The only problem I had with the movie is that Tarantino puts his ugly mug in both films, small parts, but still. Someone needs to tell him he is a director, and not an actor, for a reason.

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