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In Need Of A Sig Help Plz [denied]

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Size: 350x150
Theme: what ever looks best.
Render: Yes,
Render Theme: http://www.just4kidsmagazine.com/hell/8reaper.jpg
Color: Blue, black
Text: SOUL3SS R3APER is the primary text. Secondary text is I'm Back for Vengance
Other effects: maybe an animation on the light in the picture and something to bring out the sword

ps my aim is soul3ss r3aper feel free to aim me for ne question and to the person who takes this request i would really appreciate ne help
thank you for ur time

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Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here

In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.

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