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Wrestlemania 23 any fans.....at all?

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Hey guys......I'm not sure how many of you all here watch or have watched pro wrestling at some time. Personally i've been on and off since childhood. I'm 20 now and enjoy it but don't really go crazy over it. Anyway....this year my roomate happened to get tickets to Wrestlemania in Detroit (this past sunday) and we drove the 9 hours it took from New York to get there. First off let me ask:Are there any fans at all?Did anyone see the show?Anyway........IDK if ya'll consider this an actual sport since it is pre determined......but the stuff they do takes talent and dedication and they go out 300 days a year and entertain fans or all ages. So that's why I put it in the sports section. Here's a lil review of my Wrestlemania weekend:-Got to the hotel on Saturday night. Hung out. Smoked a joint or two and just relaxed. 9 hours in a car sux so i'm glad we got to chill before the show on Sunday.-Went to Ford Field around 4 o'clock and waited for the doors to open. The streets were flooded with people wearing wrestling shirts and families holding each others hands on the way to the arena. Let me say.....there were a ton of people.-Got in and found our seats. Had it been set up like the football field it normally is our seats were directly behind the middle of the endzone......25 rows up (not floor seats but really good ones anyway). The way the arena was set up tho - we were directly across from the entrance ramp which was monstrous. Humongous screens and giant sets of fireworks and other sorts of craziness.-First match - Money in the Bank Ladder match. Amazing matchup here as there were a lot of high spots and innovative uses of the ladder. Kennedy wining was a great choice and everyone seemed to shine at some point in the match. It all flowed really well and got the crowd pumped. At this point there were 80,000 people in attendance breaking a Ford Field record.-Khali .vs. Kane second match wasn't horrible because it was short. Great Khali can't wrestle and he's just a big guy. Nothing special here.- Chris Benoit .vs. MVP was a solid match. I like MVP a lot and can really get into his moveset. He held his own and Benoit winning was a surprise to me. Nice to see him win with the headbutt.- Taker .vs. Batista Champion ship match was really good. They were intense the whole match and really amped up. The dive over the ropes by taker and the powerslam onto the table by Batista were awesome. I'm glad Undertaker won the belt and Batista didn't end the winning streak (taker is 15-0 at mania)-New breed .vs. ECW originals - surprising finish to a bland match. Nothing great.- Hair .vs. Hair - Trump and Lashley .vs. McMahon and Umaga. Stone cold as the ref was great and Shane McMahon doing his bits were also top notch. Very entertaining match with some good spots. I enjoyed every bit of it. Especially mcmahon getting his head shaved after umaga lost.-girls match - blah-HBK .vs. Cena was great. HBK's entrance was awesome and Cena's was alright....kinda corny. Anyway this match had me going and i was on the edge of my seat. The finish was amazing as we didn't know when it would end. The reversals wereintense and i enjoyed the whole thing from start to finish.So the roar of the 80,000+ crowd was enough to leave me happy. I had a great time. ANYBODY watch or am I alone? lol

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I was a wrestling fan for some time but then after a while all the good wrestlers started to leave like the rock stone cold etc.. Then after that everything started to be like a big movie i knew what was going to happen i knew what they were going to say and i knew exactly who was going to come out and mess things up. It just started to become to much of a big movie script. When the rock left to do movies that is when i realize that wrestling is just like being a actor.

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UMAGA L:OST...OMG...yew watched it LIVE bloke...AWESOME...tis a pity it takes 2 weeks before they can broadcast it on TV here in india,thanx bloke,THIS I CANNOT MISS

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Yep I saw it as well, kind of disappointed to the fact hte match were slow, in which you could actually see them setting up the moves and what not :lol:I would say money in the bank and taker & batista match were the better ones.Vince getting his head shave was good, the match was meh.Kane match omg wasn't even worth it same goes with the lumber jill match it was just god aweful, from a westling news site people did mention the fact during that match people were leaving to go to the bathroom or stock up on food and drinks.I think the outcome to the cena michaels match was just plain wrong, michaels should have won due to the fact he was putting more into it, cena already got his credentials when he beat HHH last year, it was time for michaels to shine again.Benoit & MVP was sub par even for benoit, the action was smooth but not face pace like it should have been.

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