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Help Implimenting Paypal Checkout?

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Hello all-So I've been thinking recently, and I wanted to use PayPal's "web payments Pro" on my website as a way for users to purchase their computers directly the way they have customized them. I need some help getting the system in place though. I know a decent amount about website design, coding, and such, but very little about "e-commerce" in general.What do I need to get this payment system set up? Shopping cart, payment processor, what? Its all pretty new to me. If someone could give me some advice, or atleast point me in the right direction as far as what to do I would appreciate it greatly. Another question, as you can see on my website's "Schedule your build form" (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for example) As the user selects their components the price is upgraded at the bottom. How can I transfer their selections, and the price into the shopping car when they click the submit button? Is there some type of script that will do this for me or what? Thanks to all,-Jon

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