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Skunkworks Project(s): Aurora In the 50s the SR-71 blackbird was the latest from Skunkworks...

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...and it can cruise at Mach 3.0+ at over 16 miles altitude. It still apparently holds the cross Atlantic record of just under 2 hours from NYC to London and trans America in 64 minutes. Now some 50 years later, how much has technology advanced? Enough so that some of the new toys the boys in blue are flying around are commonly mistaken for ET craft? What do you think Skunkworks is working on now and do you believe there's a triangular craft out there piloted by U.S.A.F. (or allied) personnel called the TR-3B or TR-3x? Have they finally worked out anti-gravity? Nuclear propulsion? Fifty years is a long time in the context of technology in modern civilization. Just look at how far consumer computers have come in that time and where they're clearly going. That's not to speak to where computer technology operated (engineered and manufactured in-house too) by the shadowy government alphabet soup agencies is; I've read somewhere between ten and twenty years further ahead of the best you can buy on the street now. If by chance there's anyone here who works for LM or the USAF please enlighten the rest of us... :D And send me one of those cool I.D. holder clips with the retracting string and the skunk on the face... :P

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