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Animal Control

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Found this one, felt i had to pass it on, if u read it too fast ull miss itAn elderly woman calls animal control and says she has a grizzly bear in a tree in her front yard, so she is hesitant to go outside. Right away an agent shows up. He steps out of his truck with a large net and starts laying on the ground around the tree. "What's that for?" says the woman. "To catch the bear" replies the agent.He goes to his truck again. This time he comes back with a pit bulldog, which he ties to the tree trunk. "What's he for?" she asks.The agent explains this is a trained bulldog, and it will hold the bear still by biting his testicles when he falls from the tree.He walks back to his truck one more time and comes back with a baseball bat in one hand and a shotgun in the other. He hands the shotgun to the woman and heads for the tree. "Whats this for?" she asks.He stops to explain. "I am going to climb the tree and knock the bear down with the bat, and the dog will hold him while I climb down to cinch the net.""But what about the shotgun?" she asks."If I swing and miss, and happen to fall out of the tree,SHOOT THAT DOG!"

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