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Glenstein Is Self-introduced

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An inside joke became an inside language, became the anointing to saint-like status of a fictional character Alfred Glenstein. So far he has been the U.S. president, ran for a global God election, been a crime fighting cop who risked his life to keep a sheet of one dollar bills from hitting the streets, set the earth on fire, and done several other things. But I'm sure you know how inside jokes are when you aren't in on them- a bit irritating maybe? A bit too self interested, self indulgent? But still you have your own.Anyway, I'm new yeah yeah yeah. Hope I can manage to not break rules.

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Hello glenstein Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Uh, I don't understand what you are getting at with this intro, but Hi anyway. If you came to Trap 17 for reliable free no-ad hosting, you have come to the right place. People here on the forum are friendly and helpful as well. If you have a question, just ask. Somebody will answer it or direct you to the answer. Make good content posts and you will have credits enough to get your hosting in no time.

If you would like to make a proper introduction of yourself, perhaps this will help.

If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion.

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Basically I was describing my username and why I was inspired to choose it. And then I was being sympathetic to people who might not be sure what I was getting at :P. Thanks for the link, though. Some more generic answers:Who am I: A college student from new england still philosophizing etc. etc. and trying to figure things out.Where am I: Well, I'd rather not be any more specific than new england for now. I can save that for conversation when it becomes interesting/relevant, should the subjects of politics, weather, or sports come up (all of which have a strong regional element to them).What brought me here: Google! Google pretty much brings me everywhere. Is there any better way?What would I like to accomplish on Xisto: I would like the two-fold offering of this site (message boards and web hosting) to be a marriage of convenience. I want to get in the habit of writing, and there are several ways of doing it- a diary, self initiated writing prompts, classes, blah blah. But I've thought and thought, and writing is about honesty before anything else, so unearthing new thoughts in a conversational manner can be equally effective. And it doesn't hurt to merge that with the interest of getting a web host.What is the theme of my proposed site: I want to cover various fronts of creativity, and I'm not opposed to letting them be guided by the format and style of my CMS of choice: MDPro. It will have the glenstein stories I alluded to before and much more than that. Freeware downloads are a disposition of mine as well, and one that MDPro is very well suited to handling (even if I merely review them but link to outside pages where the relevant files may be found). Political commentary is another interest of mine, as well as debating easily winnable subjects against people deeply convinced of their rightness! Many things for many categories that all have the undertone of the same personality.And I think the interests/hobbies and personality traits are somewhat alluded to above. Thanks for the welcome.

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Lovely introductory post, Glenstein! Why not have a read of the Trap 17 Readme? I'm sure you will be pretty all right here. Remember that Hosting credits are judged on post quality, and not on post count unlike other websites like this. Be sure to check out Xisto - Web Hosting.com aswell for the best paid hosting. Also you could post in the Shoutbox and make people know your name. Hope to see you around!

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