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Wordpress: Google Adsense Referral Rotator Plug-in

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If you're using WordPress 2.x (with widgets enabled)... I've developed a sidebar widget plugin for you called GARR (Google AdSense Referral Rotator).


After installation it turns up as a sidebar widget, which you can drag & drop onto any sidebar in Wordpress and it'll keep showing 1 of the 4 available AdSense Referrals randomly upon every page-load.


Here's an excerpt of my article on this at my site, Chaos Laboratory.

Google AdSense Referrals are pretty cool in a way as they contribute well in topping up on your daily AdSense earnings. Moreover, they're quite unobtrusive and can be placed anywhere on the page without interfering with the content much. According to me they're best placed in the side-bar and since I'm using a widget enabled theme I got down to searching for a widget plug-in that would let me to do just that.


If you don't know how a AdSense Referral looks like, here's a snapshot



Posted Image



You can read about the whole project (with installation instructions) and download the plug-in HERE.



Comments & Feedback most welcome :P






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