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What Are Problems? An answer by God

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What are Problems ?


God : Hello. Did you call me?


Me: Called you? No.. who is this?


God : This is GOD. I heard your prayers. So I thought I will chat.


Me: I do pray. Just makes me feel good. I am actually busy now. I am

in the midst of something.


God : What are you busy at? Ants are busy too.


Me: Don't know. But I cant find free time. Life has become hectic.

It's rush hour all the time.


God : Sure. Activity gets you busy. But productivity gets you results.

Activity consumes time. Productivity frees it.


Me: I understand. But I still can't figure out. By the way, I was not

expecting YOU to buzz me on instant messaging chat.


God : Well I wanted to resolve your! fight for time, by giving you

some clarity. In this net era, I wanted to reach you through the

medium you are comfortable with.


Me: Tell me, why has life become complicated now?


God : Stop analyzing life. Just live it. Analysis is what makes it



Me: why are we then constantly unhappy?


God : Your today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday.You

are worrying because you are analyzing. Worrying has become your

habit. That's why you are not happy.


Me: But how can we not worry when there is so much uncertainty?


God : Uncertainty is inevitable, but worrying is optional.


Me: But then, there is so much pain due to uncertainty. .


God : Pain is inevitable able, but suffering is optional.


Me: If suffering is optional, why do good people always suffer?


God : Diamond cannot be polished without friction. Gold cannot be

purified without fire. Good people go through trials, but don't

suffer. With that experience their life become better not bitter.


Me: You mean to say such experience is useful?


God : Yes. In every terms, Experience is a hard teacher. She gives the

test first and the lessons afterwards.


Me: But still, why should we go through such tests? Why cant we be

free from problems?


God : Problems are





Lessons (to)






Source : Email

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well, this is an inspirational thing, but i'm one of those people who just won't stop 'til i get answers. if i just let things be and live life as it is, then i won't get the answers that i want, answers that i need.

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Oh dear, I don't think I can stomach this. For one, it has references to an omnipotent being in a belief I positively abhor, but let's just assume that were not the case.


Believe me, I'd be speaking from experience here (which, if my memory serves correct, was supposedly the best teacher, only that he/she gives the exams before the lesson) I did once cease worrying about the immediate future and went on a que sera sera spree. Yes, I do agree that worrying is optional but it is also essential. It's pretty much optional in the same way that breathing is optional.


Also, I'd think that productivity involves activity. True, productivity frees some time but it also consumes some, since the activity involved in productivity consumes the same time as well.


Lastly, I'd refuse to stop analyzing life. True, all these talk about war and peace, nature, economy, politics, blackholes, warp drive, antimatter engines, eldritch lingua obscura spells, wormholes and eleven dimensions may make my head hurt as hell but at the very least, I am happy that, for the moment, my mind has been occupied with somewhat worthwhile things. As they say, an idle (non-analyzing) mind is the devil's workshop.


So if God wanted us to stop analyzing, consequently idling our minds, ultimately turning them into workshops by which the devil might craft his (or her, probably her) tools, I have no other choice but to conclude that God and the devil are one and the same.


I know I have been audacious enough with what I said but allow me a parting story:


"God," asked man. "Why is there so much suffering in this world?"


"Because your ancestors ate the forbidden fruit," God replied.


"Can't you just have forgiven them?"


"Haha! No." :lol:

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I know I have been audacious enough with what I said but allow me a parting story:
"God," asked man. "Why is there so much suffering in this world?"

"Because your ancestors ate the forbidden fruit," God replied.

"Can't you just have forgiven them?"

"Haha! No." :lol:

The correct way to have done such a story, would have been like so:

God, why is there so much suffering in this world?

Asked a man.
"Because people choose to continue in their evil ways," God replied.

Can't you just have forgiven them?

"Sure, if they come back to Me, repent, and refrain from doing evil."

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So if God wanted us to stop analyzing, consequently idling our minds, ultimately turning them into workshops by which the devil might craft his (or her, probably her) tools, I have no other choice but to conclude that God and the devil are one and the same.

well, that would also apply to the opposite side. of course, it depends on what one person is having his or her mind occupied with. thinking about war doesn't necessarily mean that you're thinking of resolving it. some people might be thinking, "hell, yeah! that's how evil should be punished". or in another case, let's say one person is talking about politics and thinks how some people can be so evil when they have the power to control the people around them, and all those stuff.

either way, you can say that we're stuck, but at least there can be cases (on both sides), that one can stop analyzing and be mind-free of the evil, that is if one's mind isn't tainted in the first place. for someone who has been thinking a lot and analyzing a lot, stopping and just letting things be is difficult. and it would take time, so it's really easy for God to say that "one should not worry too much", but to work it out is a different issue altogether. i guess that would make it more like an "activity". it would be productive if one gets a result (salamangkero was correct mentioning that even productivity consumes time). and now that the difference between activity and productivity is mentioned within the context of how God would say it (which i believe is not the case, that this is not probably how God would say it, it's just how man interprets things and just puts God in the context), don't you think activity and productivity are two very different things. productivity is more like the "latter" part of activity. if one has something to do, a goal to accomplish, then he has to that and keep himself busy, which is an activity. thus, if he completes the task, or at least creates some progress, then one could say that he is doing productively well. in the text provided, it makes the word activity taken in a negative approach, as if one might be doing some "illegal" activity that is prohibited by religion, which could also be the case, but that isn't always how the word is used.

a continuation to what i've posted in my earlier reply: i've been through a lot in my life that i could say that i came to a point of asking why certain things keep on happening, that i can't even do anything about it. if what God says is true, as pointed out in the text provided (that i should just let things be), then that doesn't solve anything at all. i'm not the type of person that would just shrug my shoulder and be oblivious about it, and just let things work their way. it's just not appropriate and practical. true, i cannot do anything about certain stuff, but to at least get an answer for some of my questions would help, questions that probably only him can answer. if i let things be, then i won't get my answer at all. i would probably die an unhappy person if i don't get the answer, probably not the answer that i want, but at least i get a reply. so for that, i would keep on searching and analyzing.

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The correct way to have done such a story, would have been like so:
"God, why is there so much suffering in this world?" asked a man.

"Because people choose to continue in their evil ways," God replied.

"Can't you just have forgiven them?"

"Sure, if they come back to Me, repent, and refrain from doing evil."

I am inclined to dispute it is the "correct" way but I have no doubt it is interesting.

Another version:

"God, why is there so much suffering in this world?" asked a man.

"Because people choose to continue in their evil ways," God replied.

"I didn't choose that. Why am I suffering?"

"Because your ancestors ate the forbidden fruit," God replied.
"Can't you just have forgiven them?"

"Haha! No." :lol:

Needless to say, I absolutely lurve the last line I positively encourage all subsequent quotes to end with the same line, if possible ^_^

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