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Partitions Of Xp

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I'm about to format soon and I've heard of ways to organize/speed up Windows XP with partitions. I heard you can put the pagefile on a different partiton(maybe 2 gigs?) and one partition for XP(maybe 4 gigs?) and the rest of the space for games/program files. Does anyone recommend this? I'm not sure if I want to do this. Can anyone verify if this speeds up XP or if there are any complications?

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There is a way to speed up your XP. But not many people use it or even know about it. The other thing is that it does not always make a difference.The thigs that should be used (some i don't know why, but they are described like this so...)- system partition - about 5 gig, for the system and your programs... it's kind of big. i personaly recomend 4. formated on NTFS - xp in fact uses it!- page file / temp files drive - about 2 gig for your swap file, and temporary files. formated as FAT because FAT is better/faster for small files, and most of the time your temporary files (like internet files, and other) are small files. and moving your swap files is always seen as a speed up for the system. you can move your swap files in 'Control panel' -> System -> Advanced -> Effiecency (this i'm not sure cause i translate from polish... the first frame from top) -> Advanced. And then choose change, and place the swa file on another drive. Any other files can be moved inside applications.- data drives - well... that's up to you... i personaly chose FAT, cause i can enter it from both Windows and Linux. But thats my choice.Another thing is that sometimes applications suggest you should move their swap files to other drive then the swap file of the system, and the drive with instalation files (Adobe Photoshop suggests that). Try, and you should get the optimum, but the things above should help. And i hope i was helpful :(

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I personally DO NOT recommend Windows if you want speed. Get Linux! (unless ur a gamer)For WinXP best to have 2 HDD. One HD for software another for DATA.C: --> ProgramsD: (or E:) --> DATA (documents and etc.)For Linux, the same thing, one for the root and one for the home directory:/ --> Programs and Libraries/home --> DATAxboxrulz

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