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Zero Ziat

Going Insanely Mad By Charging It Full Gauge And Letting It Out On A Single Moment. This wasnt me.

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Simple story, I was in class, sitting behind this guy, then, he shouts (Alert: Nublike speech for hating him) "MUV DMNIT, I HAV NO FSCKING SPACE"(I actually had no freaking space too and I didn't cry), you may not knowing, the guy was a midget, and he tried to pick on me most of the year, it was BORING already, I hated him.I stood up from my chair and in a single movement I shouted at him(Middle of class): "WHY DON'T YOU JUST SHUT THE *BLEEP*ING HELL UP, MOTHER*BLEEP*ING DUMBASS!!!">_>Didn't come out that fine, the guy wanted to "meet me at the exit" replied with "I have no time for your damned childish games", the spanish language professor looks at me in a different way, LAST, but not least, I was sent to psycho--whateverelselike.What can I do about this? I DID NOT EVEN WANT TO DO THAT! It wasn't me. Fury overloaded on me.

Notice from jlhaslip:
Editted Topic Title to shorten it.It was stretching the thread.

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Well you can't do much now, what done has been done. But I suggest now you should try to just show them that you aren't that bad of a guy. It is pretty hard to control your anger sometimes. So my suggest really is to just show the people that you can control your anger. Other than that, best of luck to youCheers,jester

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I actually COULDN'T control it, seriously, if you knew that guy, you would have done most-likely the same.Plus, I was already fed-up, ambition of finally facing him got him, and well, I shouted to him at class where the nice professor could hear well. (:S)I'd never want to do that again.

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Lesson learned:You said that you were picked by that guy most of the year. You should not have stayed quiet for the rest of the times he is picking you. Confront him as early as possible or you may lose your anger without control again.^_~

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I had many problems being picked on in school, and have done similar things. If you don't let anger out, you will explode in more violent ways, maybe taking it inward on yourself. Sure, people may see you a little differently, but maybe they will see you as standing up for yourself too. Yeah maybe it could have been toned down a little, but for that moment, did it release the frustration and anger built up? I used to do it by beating up walls/trees and cutting myself. So if a little yelling in class helps, it is much better than doing anything to yourself.

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Don't worry, as long as you know your good..but, It happens, and also happened to me before, except no one treat me like a psycho...And you should'nt scream like that, i know rage is full with you but control it...if i were you i would just tell him to call the guy in front of him to move or shut up because i have no spaces too...

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