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Character Profiles (because I'm Bored And Thinking About Them) Characters for a Spy story Im trying to develop

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Well, there actually IS a bit of a reason for all this... It kinda elaborates on what I'm discussing over here. And I would love some opinions on what I've got so far.


The setting is mostly Spy Genre, James Bond kinda stuff, although this group focuses more in intel gathering rather than search-and-kill. The twist is the addition of psychic abilities, refered to as "Potential" - the idea being that, theoretically, everyone should be able to do this things, and these people have "reached" or are "finding" their Potential. Most potentials in G3 are enhanced or developed through drugs, although there are a few naturally gifted individuals as well.


I'm trying to work out balance, both in jobs and in gender (I'm predisposed to female characters, being of the XX Chromosome persuasion myself.).


BTW: I suck at names, so what's here is generally placeholders until I figure out what I really want to call people. ^-^ Hence G3 - literally "good guy group". I'll come up with a better reason for the acrynom later. LOL


Note: "Previous Generation" characters are not named. This is because these characters were developed with an individual I need to discuss ownership of (again, this thread). Anyone named is my own creation.





Various, generally described as Psychometry (the ability to sense details of objects, although Bethany's abilities are slightly different than traditional psychometry)

Also has "reverse empathy", described below



Bethany is the daughter of a previous subject of the G3 and her bodyguard/lover. Bethany was conceived during a period when her mother's DNA was being rewritten by experimental drugs to enhance her Precognitive Potential, and Bethany's own body shows many effects of this drug that have not remained stable in any other individual. Indeed, it appears her body naturally produces traces of the original drug or a derivative, although G3 has not (offically) tried to exploit this.

Since she was an infant, Bethany has been studied by G3, and has grown up as both its golden child and with the potential of being its greatest weapon. Her family (including non-related friends of her parents that took part in the Previous Generation adventures) have been ademant about allowing Bethany the chance to have a normal life, and frequently spoil her in an attempt to offset G3's influence.

While Bethany has yet to demonstrate any offensive Potentials, her sensory Potential is generally considered stronger and broader than any other known. Having grown up with this sixth sense, Bethany has difficulties describing it to other people in terms they can understand. The best she has been able to explain is that she can sense the "flow" or "spirits" of objects and people. With objects, she can sense if there is something "wrong", and through manipulation find ways to "correct" this and improve things. She can also gather some of the "imprints" of traditional psychometry, although she finds this secondary to the "inherent spirit" of an object. Her psychometry is more difficult with people - whereas objects tend to have consistant spirits, all people are individual, and she has to literally learn the imprint of a person before she can accurately predict things about them. That having been said, for people she knows well, she can read feelings and health even at a distance, including how their spirits "fit" with others she knows.

There is some suggestion Bethany may also have telekinesis, although on a very small - or more accurately, fine - scale. While she can't lift objects, she seems to be able to influence objects to "correct" their "flow" just by holding them for long enough. She has downplayed this ability to the scientists of G3, however, afraid of how they may desire to use it. This ability seems to work best on living things, most likely because bodies are designed to transport material around, and Bethany is just enhancing what occurs naturally.

The most interesting Potential Bethany had, and in many ways the most dangerous, is something that can only be described as "reverse empathy" so far. Literally, Bethany projects her emotions to those around her - what Bethany feels, others sense and generally feel as well. Because of this, Bethany tries always to be pleasant and happy, a very natural state but also incredible consciously enforced. Bethany also has schooled herself not to experience intense emotions other than joy, in order not to impose them on others. She has given some hints that she has even become afraid of these intense emotions within herself - particularly anger and passion.

While her participation in G3 has always been voluntary, Bethany has always understood she would enter the organization as a spy. It is the best place for her abilities, and the only place she can be herself. Part of her, however, misses the "normal" life she will never have, even if she can't fully understand it.





Unknown, has demonstrated energy projection



No one at G3 knows why David has the Potential he's shown, or why so many organizations are suddenly interested in him. At least, if they do, they haven't admitted it.

David went to high school with Bethany, ignorant of her secret life with G3. He did know he liked her, however, and while he was kind of intimidated by the bubbly girl everyone couldn't help but love, he was constantly amazed she wanted to spend time with him as well.

This all changed in their last year of school, however, when events showed he is as interesting to some organizations studying Potentials as Bethany, and while they don't know why, the giant holes in the walls from him trying to protect her from the gunfire are really good starting points. Suddenly, the everday boy-next-door is thrown into the world of psychic abilities and G3, with the special guest start of his long time crush.

Who, by the way, has know practically since she met him that he was the love of her life, and has spent years trying to neither scare off nor become too attached to.

Now they both have to come to terms with the fact their lives will never be normal, and just because the perfect person is handed to you on a silver platter, your love life will never be easy.




Technological Potential:

"Organic Cyborg", increased physical abilities and certain surgical enhancements



Thirty years ago, Miranda was a mere foot soldier of G3. But when an accident in the line of duty left her as a quadripeligic, she was offered a second chance at life - if she turned it over to the organization. Miranda became the focal point of almost all of G3's physical experiments, increasing both her life span and her abilities at the cost of playing the part of the perfect soldier and never again being quite human.

Twenty three years ago, Miranda was assigned to a young woman as both bodyguard and spy, watching the development of her Potential in secret.

Twenty two years ago, Miranda was willing to throw away everything G3 had given her to save this same woman after being kidnapped and written off by G3 as a "necessary loss".

Twenty one years ago, Miranda became Bethany's godmother, and her constant protector both in G3 and her normal life.

Miranda is still looking after Bethany, and nominally leads the group that has built up around G3's golden child. Miranda knows she isn't trusted by the higher ups, but that's ok, because she no longer trusts their judgements in regards to her "family", either.

While she is still regularly "upgraded" and superhumanly skilled with firearms, Miranda's body is reaching the limit of both it's capabilities and ability to withstand the constant surgery. It's very likely the only reason she is still alive is Bethany's help and secret telekinentic psychometry. Miranda refuses to let the shell she's using give up, however, until her charge is strong enough to defend herself from a world that seems to only want to use her.





Mad Genius (Literally: Insanity with possible enhanced intelligence)



DQ is Bethany's "cousin" - the daughter of her mother's best friend. She's also the eldest of eight children know affectionally at "The Brood" ("Six of us were planned - my brother Dominic [third of the eight] came kinda early, and of course Mom was only expecting one of the twins...."), has inherited the family trait of messing with that which man was not meant to know, and chosen to specialize in mechanical items like cars and cannons.

Like Bethany, DQ has spent most of her life knowing about G3 and planning on working for them. Indeed, her nickname refers to the character from the James Bond movies, since she's planning on being strictly R&D.

She stands at 5 foot minus 1, seems to spontaneously generate caffine and/or sugar, and names all her inventions after characters from Disney movies. Her current favorite is her car Mufasa, which she's trying to trick out so that at least some part is considered illegal in the 50 states ("I mean, why else work as a spy if you don't take advantage of it?") She's Bethany's best friend, and has made it her goal in life to keep the girl from going crazy. While others may question her methods (Frequently. Loudly. Desperately.) it's worked so far.

She's also generally considered one of the "saner" members of her family, especially by Miranda, who has had a long history of trouble with DQ's mother. The reasons are given as such: most of what she builds only blows up when it's SUPPOSED to, she GENERALLY tends to respect authority, and usually stops when the smoke alarms start, or at least gives adequate warning to any others in the area of the consequences ("I've had LOTS of experience with what happens when you DON'T." Proceeds to complain about dolls lost over the years to her own or her siblings' experiments).





The group also has a selfish, sexy, poison using empath (Olivia) and a computer hacker/oracle with clairvoyance (Vikki), but I'm getting too tired to type them up.


As you can tell, I'm short on fighters - right now, really only Miranda, although David is getting training in martial arts in the hopes that chi disciplines will help develop his Potential. Oh, and DK, if you count all the explosives. VEG

As mentioned, I want the group to be mostly subterfuge/intel, so I'm not sure who else to match with them to up their offensive capabilities (Between Bethany, Olivia, and Vikki, they got the intel gathering COVERED, believe me.). Any ideas? (Presuming anyone got down this far... LOL)

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