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How To Customize The Look Of Your Mirc Events Part 2

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Well in part 1 of How To Customize The Look Of Your Mirc Events i covered some channel events, so now i will cover the events for in a private chat. Plus some extra stuff....

** To change the look of the other persons text u again use a on text event

on ^*:TEXT:*:?: {   echo -t $query($nick) ( $+ $nick $+ ) $1-   halt }

** To change the look of your own input

on *:INPUT:?: {   if ($left($1,1) != /) { 	.msg $active $1-	echo -t $active ( $+ $me $+ ) $1-	halt  } }

** To change how actions look in both channel and private ( covered the $opv in part 1 )

on ^*:ACTION:*:#: {   echo -t $chan * $+($opv($nick,$chan),$nick) $1-  halt}on ^*:ACTION:*:?: {   echo -t $query($nick) * $nick $1-  halt}

** To change the look of notice events

on ^*:NOTICE:*:?: {   if (serv isin $nick) { echo -st $+($chr(40),Notice/,$nick,$chr(41)) $1- | haltdef }  else { echo -at $+($chr(40),Notice/,$nick,$chr(41)) $1- | haltdef }}on ^*:NOTICE:*:#: {   if (serv isin $nick) { echo -st $+($chr(40),Notice/,$nick,$chr(41)) $1- | haltdef }  else { echo -t $chan $+($chr(40),Notice/,$nick,$chr(41)) $1- | haltdef }}

if (serv isin $nick) { --> this part is to filter server messages and display them in your status window.

** To change the look of when modes are set in a chan

on ^*:MODE:#: {   echo $chan (Mode/ $+ $chan $+ ) ( $+ $nick $+ ) Sets mode $+([,$1-,])  halt }

** To change the look of a whois & whowas event is a little different than the rest. You have to set the raw events which is pretty easy if u know how.

;WHOISraw 311:*: { set %whoisadd $3 $+ @ $+ $4 | echo -s 4ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Whois Information 4ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ | echo -s >> Nickname: $2 | echo -s >> Name: $6- | echo -s >> Address: %whoisadd | haltdef }raw 314:*: { set %whoisadd $3 $+ @ $+ $4 | echo -s 4ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Whowas Information 4ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ | echo -s >> Nickname: $2 | echo >> Name: $6- | echo >> Address: %whoisadd | haltdef }raw 301:*: { echo >> Away: $asctime($3) $4- | haltdef }raw 307:*: { echo >> Registered: Yes | haltdef }raw 308:*: { echo >> Admin: $2-  | haltdef }raw 309:*: { echo >> $+($left($2,1),,$right($2,$calc($len($2) - 1))) $3-  | haltdef }raw 310:*: { echo >> HelpOp: $2-  | haltdef }raw 313:*: { echo >> IRCop: IRCop! | haltdef }raw 319:*: { echo >> On Channels: $3- | haltdef }raw 320:*: { echo >> $2-  | haltdef }raw 312:*: { echo >> On Server: $3 | echo $theme2( $c2(Ż) Server Info:) $4-  | haltdef }raw 379:*: { echo >> Modes: $6- | haltdef }raw 325:*: { echo >> $2 $+ : $3- | haltdef }raw 317:*: { echo >> Idle Time: $duration($3) | echo -s $theme2( $c2(Ż) Logged On:) $asctime($4) | haltdef }raw 318:*: { echo -s 4ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ End 4ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ | haltdef }raw 369:*: { echo -s 4ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ End 4ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ | haltdef }raw 378:*: { haltdef };END WHOIS

Well i hope you peeps are using this to make your mirc look awesome!!
Lookout for part 3 coming soon :D

Thankyou :D

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hmm a few suggestions, if you want to make channel and PM events look the same, i suggest just using 1 event, with * as the location marker (in place of # and ?) that would allow it to trigger whether public or private, and therefore only one event would be needed.
Also, if someone has serv in their name it would sorta mess up the actions, so I would change that around to something else (perhaps using raws) or maybe even nick specific

alias -l services { return nickserv chanserv }if ($istok($services,$nick,32) { echo -st $+($chr(40),Notice/,$nick,$chr(41)) $1- | haltdef }

finally, you could clean up the raw section using something like this
raw *:*: { if ($numeric == 301) { echo -a raw 301 | haltdef }elseif ($numeric == 302) { etc | haltdef }else { return }
and just set that up for each of the raws youd like to change

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  AlternativeNick said:

hmm a few suggestions, if you want to make channel and PM events look the same, i suggest just using 1 event, with * as the location marker (in place of # and ?) that would allow it to trigger whether public or private, and therefore only one event would be needed.

I showed them both seperate so that people can know how to change them if they want them to be different... thats the only reason i did it as 2 events. and the way ive used that $opv wont work in a private so then u will need to add whether its from a channel or private anyway...
So 2 events is much easier for people to manage.

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here is something else that you might find useful, i was just kinda fooling around with this and set up a nicklist colorer thing

This one will do colors 3-15 repeatedly in the nicklist.

alias ncolor {  if (!$1) {	var %c = 0	while (%c < $chan(0)) {	  inc %c	  var %i = 0	  while (%i < $nick($chan(%c),0)) {		var %x = 2		while (%x < 15) {		  inc %x		  inc %i		  cline $iif($len(%x) == 1,$+(0,%x),%x) $chan(%c) %i		}	  }	}  }  elseif ($1) {	var %i = 0	while (%i < $nick($1,0)) {	  var %x = 2	  while (%x < 15) {		inc %x		inc %i		cline $iif($len(%x) == 1,$+(0,%x),%x) $1 %i	  }	}  }}on *:JOIN:#:{  ncolor $chan}on *:START:{ncolor}

This one colors the names with the color code you specify. Just change the number in line one
alias -l ncol { return 09 }alias ncolor {  if (!$1) {	var %c = 0	while (%c < $chan(0)) {	  inc %c	  var %i = 0	  while (%i < $nick($chan(%c),0)) {		inc %i		cline $ncol $chan(%c) %i	  }	}  }  elseif ($1) {	var %i = 0	while (%i < $nick($1,0)) {	  inc %i	  cline $ncol $1 %i	}  }}on *:JOIN:#:{  ncolor $chan}on *:START:{  ncolor}

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** To change the look of your own input

on *:INPUT:?: {   if ($left($1,1) != /) { 	.msg $active $1-	echo -t $active ( $+ $me $+ ) $1-	halt  } }

Just a note about the input event, might as well add a check for actions as well.

on *:input:?: {  if ($1 == $read(mirc.ini,text,commandchar) $+ me) {   .describe $active $2-   echo $color(action) -ta * $me $+($2,*)  }  elseif ($left($1,1) != $read(mirc.ini,text,commandchar)) {	.msg $active $1-	echo -ta ( $+ $me $+ ) $1-  }}

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