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7 Reasons The 21st Century Is Making Us Miserable

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|| http://www.cracked.com/?rd=pointlesswasteoftime.com ||


I found this article while surfing through the web randomly and believe me, this article is interesting but at the same time, it has a lot in it for almost everyone living in this world currently, from a person who has just bought a computer to a big-shot corporate businessman.


Ever thought that you don?t have anyone to comfort in or anyone whom you can trust for everything you do and want the rest of the world to know? You wonder how your grandparents were happier in the age group that you currently are more then you? Ever wonder how so many odd friends of your parents visit your home or you family just landsup meeting them at some public place?

Did you ever started a conversation while waiting for someone or something with the person sitting/waiting besides you?


Well, read this article and surely you would love the article if you think the above questions do make some sense to all of us.


It had an impact on me and I think it will surely do on many of us.

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yeah this world is a sad place now...i read most of it i got tired of reading it pretty much said the same thing 3 time in diffrent words...so yeah...

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It actually made a lot of sense to me. And it is true.... unfortunately... Interesting find, though. Thanks for showing us all. I hope I leanred something from it. xd

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Thanks Sharn, actually I think it makes sense for everyone, regardless of which area or religion, they belong to, if someone thinks he/she is a human, this article will really affect them.

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Some serious and deep thinking has gone in that site, every thing there is written after a good research work (I believe). A must read for everyone, Thanx sylenzednuke.

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