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Freestyle Martial Arts Whats Your Standpoint?

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We ourselves, as freestyle artists, feel that it is important to question our very routes, and take a look at what we are.This is perhaps something that you never really thought about, as freestyle is a somewhat modern term, but the actual idea of combining different styles is something that has been going for many thousands of years. Freestyle is the study of a combination of martial arts, or an adapted style of fighting. It is not a 'new' martial art, nor is it an 'old' martial art. Freestyle's routes lie in the 80's, and the development of new age arts such as 'jeet kune do'. Although the arts routes are long and ancient, the new spin that was focused upon it was modern. From this day onwards, martial artists took it upon themselves to adapt styles that they felt could be better in their own opinions. Freestyle is the objective of improving previous styles and creating new ways of solving old problems, so it's a modern way of fighting. It adapts with society, aiming to tackle problems that are prominant in today's society. Some consider it to be a con, as they say that it is simply a rip off of already well disciplined, well aimed arts such as Karate or Judo. They believe that to simply dip in and out of different styles, without the overall discipline and practice of years of training in a perticular art means that the techniques will not work. Well, we agree with this.. To simply dip in and out of arts is not atall what our idea of freestyle is. Freestyle doesn't have to be practiced by black belts, you don't have skilled to do it, you don't have to know what your doing to achieve freestyle, effectively alot of freestyle artists are con's, as they do not practice in a profeshional way, yet there is also a percentage of freestyle artist that are practicing a well defined, well practiced, incredible well disciplined art. We consider freestyle to be an art, because it is the art of many martial arts, combined. To practice literally 9 styles of fighting is by no means an easy ride. It's like anything, it is a complete waste of time, if it's been used by the wrong people. The way in which we train is an art. We do not just dip slight odds and ends. For example, one of the arts we combine is Karate, well I have over 5 years of experience in this art, so to combine it isn't a face value attempt to use it. I have advanced, complex knowledge of the art, it's techniques and disciplines, so it's not just a half failed attempt. So, to answer the question, is Freestyle and art or a con, it is an art, if it is being practiced by skilled martial artist that have a passion for what they do, how ever it can be a con, if it is practiced by 'wanna be's' or fakes. But generally speaking, karate can be a con if it is taught by a fool, but yet Karate it's self is still an art. So in conclusion, freestyle is an art.

Edited by Webber (see edit history)

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