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Dreamweaver 8 Issue Really annoying and cant figure it out

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Well i have been using Dreamweaver for a long time now and no problems. I tried to install it on my new laptop and it ran fine until i opened a document. When i opened a file in the split or design mode it has this error:

The following translators were not loaded due to errors:ASP.htm: has configuration information that is invaild.
XSLT.htm: has configuration information that is invaild.

It does this with every .php file (i only make .php files. I don't have any HTML pages) this error does not come up with code mode only the design and split. Can someone please help because it always says this two times and it says it 2 times EVERY time i click on the design mode when i am checking if it looks right. It's so annoying. I can't even check my pages without having that come up.

I reinstalled it. Rebooted my comp. What else is there?!
Edited by BooZker (see edit history)

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I haven't used Dreamweaver in such a long time. But here are some suggestions:

Check to see if you can disable it in your preferences or something.

Make HTML pages with the PHP coding, but when you're done with the page, just rename the file with the php extension.

I can't think of any more suggestions. I, myself, don't use Dreamweaver when coding things.

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I haven't used Dreamweaver in such a long time. But here are some suggestions:

Check to see if you can disable it in your preferences or something.

Make HTML pages with the PHP coding, but when you're done with the page, just rename the file with the php extension.

I can't think of any more suggestions. I, myself, don't use Dreamweaver when coding things.


I tryed HTML pages and they do it too. So i'm looking in preferences now. Too bad HTML does it too. I would use another editor, but i know this one so well.

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Wow, that's something for HTML as well. But i think i found a solution. Go here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and read the last post.

YES! OK i found out what to do. I found a lot of people with this problem on their site. So in case someone ever has the same problem here, here is how to fix it:

For Dreamweaver 8 on Windows, it is stored in <system_drive>:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 8\Configuration\WinFileCache-xxxxxxxx.dat.

The XXXXX are numbers and are different on every system. Make sure dreamweaver is closed and then delete it. If it makes a new file close dreamweaver and delete it again. I did it three times before it was fixed.
Edited by BooZker (see edit history)

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