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Teri Luketic

Call Me New! Like most of us. . . .

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I'm new too. . .I really didn't even look for this place. I was just looking for a place to advertise for my site. . .benner exchanges and all that fun. When I looked around the main site though, I found that this actually might benefit me in all truth. I'm looking forward to toying around with the site and figuring out how to make it work (not much on HTML. . .but I'll figure something out).I'm a chick who likes to write, alot. I also enjoy doing things with graphics and other such things, even though I've not got all that fancy stuff. Not all that much money to get it all. My site is actually both for my personal site, and my simming group. I love listening to music, as well as singing and playing the piano. All kinds of music, though not such a big fan of rap.

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Hello Teri Luketic Posted Image and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running.


There are many benefits to belonging to Trap 17. People here are very helpful and friendly. You have come to the right place for writing lots of things. All the graphics-knowledgeable people are at your beck and call. Exchanging graphic ideas etc is a common thing here. I am a music fan also, just read my sig note at bottom. Rap, in my oppinion, is not really music. It seems more like rhyme accompanied by music. Not to say it isn't an important facet of entertainment to some, though. Keep up the wordy posts. :)

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