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Smart Price Of Adsense ?What is the Smart Price?

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Google has said very little about the Smart Price, a characteristic that can cause that in adsense, Web sites make more money than others for the same click.


The Smart Price works of the following way:


"We continuously analyzed data of our network of publicity and if our information indicates to us that a click has few possibilities of becoming business (for example: a sale in line, subscription, telephone call or subscription to a news bulletin), It's posible that we reduce the price that pays by that click."



For example, a click in an ads of digital cameras in a page Web on photography advice can be less profitable than a click in the same announcement appearing next to a critic of digital cameras. Google considers that it is little frequent that click turns for sale from page of advice of photography and therefore advertiser does him discount to, whereas in the Web of critics (reviews) it is easier that clicks becomes for sale, therefore these clicks do not take no discount.


Some series of inquiries on smart price, some already known:


* The Smart Price affects all an account, is not by page nor by site.


* A very poor conversion in a site can cause that the Smart Price affects all the account, even in the sites that are totally different from that they have this low conversion.


* The Smart price evaluates every week. So if we eliminated the ads of the sites that we think that they have low conversion we can have an increase of the Smart Price in very just a short time.


* The pursuit of the Smart Price takes control of a cookie of 30 days, so you can be compensated with new conversions in your site after 29 days to see the initial price of click.


* The image ads are also affected by the Smart Price


* With the Smart Price, an advertiser (of adwords) can pay less than the minimum bid., and the ones that use adsense, to gain less by those clicks


* The conversions of the Smart Price for the sites that have adsense are followed by those advertisers (of adwords) who use the conversion tools (Conversion Tracking Tools, ROI?)



For those who have more of a site with adsense in the same account: Theoretically if we eliminated those sites where our conversion is lower, we will make that increase our Smart Price, and therefore the gains in the other sites. The problem is that Google does not offer any information nor data on our Smart particular Price, therefore, can occur the case that we eliminate the announcements of a site that report the more benefits to us, that those that we pruned to gain with that increase of the Smart Price.


What can we do then? The best thing would be to be able to obtain one second account of adsense, this way we could pass the sites with better Smart Price in an account and the rest in the other., but i dont recommerd this because I think that Google say that this is illegal.


?Any ideas?

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