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...from a few tech heads' (indirect) refferals, telling me about some Xisto free hosting website. Well, I'm here now, and from the looks of it, I'm gonna like what I get once I get it. I had a boxing website a few months back from another not-so-great host and when they shut the operation down, I was totally frustrated. I had a load of great content and now I'm having to start back up again. The truth is, I don't even have a clue why I should, when I'm getting back into school in a few weeks but there's a thing called "multi-tasking"... So anyways, to make the short story even shorter, I held up my end of the deal but they never held theres. So now enough about the pity party, I hope to meet some good people, get another boxing site started up and rake in the revenues. Not really, but doesn't that make it sound like I know what I'm talking about? (Just a joke... :) )

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Hello there! I'm glad that you listened to them when they told you to come over her. Xisto does have some good members and everyone has always been nice and willing to help if they can. I just know that you'll love it here. Have a great time!

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Hello hh89 Posted Image and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running.


You have come to the right place. Trap 17 will meet your needs no matter what they are. Everybody here is helpful and friendly, so questions and problems never go unsolved. Keep posting threads with lots of content like this one and you will have hosting in no time at all. I am not into boxing, but oh well, variety makes the world go round. I too had hosting problems with a previous host. They just went poof from the www. Haven't got a clue why. There was no forum posting requirement, so it took a while to become accustomed to this forum thing. Anyway, I have been happy with my hosting and the forum here since I signed on in uh January I believe. :) Good Luck with your proposed site.

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