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Creation Of The Galaxy how our galaxy was created

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In my opinion evolution of the galaxy is a process of creation of smaller solar systems out of bigger ones. At the same time materia is being transformed into energy – light with releasing of nuclear energy. Egyptian myth about Osiris, Isis and Horus will help us illustrate this process. Osiris and Isis had been brother and sister, who became husband and wife. They also had a brother Seth (Satan). Jealous Seth tricked Osiris and managed to lock him inside a wooden box in which Osiris died. Isis found this wooden box and managed to bring Osiris back to life for a short time with her magical powers. After that Seth torn apart Osiris’ body and scatter his limbs everywhere. Isis collected these parts of Osiris’ body, united with them and had a son, named Horus. During this time, Osiris became the master of the kingdom of the dead. He returned and armed his son Horus so he could fight Seth. Horus defeated Seth, captured him and hand it over to Isis. After that Horus claimed his heritage and ruled the world of living. In this myth, cosmic circulation is described. First we have to explain relations between planets in the solar system. Moon is planet’s sister and planet is moon’s brother. Planets are also brothers. Planet, who was transformed into the sun, is a father to the moon, who now became a planet. And sun is a husband of his planet, who managed to transform into the sun and become sun’s wife. Seth or Satan symbolizes the cognition of good and bad – escape from paradise. Egyptians worshiped Amon as their main god, who created the world. This God is the only reality and His body is cosmos. Ptah was a smaller god than Amon, follower by Osiris, Isis, Re and finally Horus. Ptah was the first sun in the family tree of planet Earth, which evolved in the first phase (exhalation – reality). His solar system was made of planets, which had their own moons. One of Ptah’s planets was Osiris. Osiris had his own moons and one of them was Isis. They were like brother and sister. In the process of evolution Osiris became the sun and left Ptah’s solar system together with all his moons in order to create his own solar system. In this new solar system, his moons became his planets. After that sun Ptah completed his evolutionary process, became a super nova (dying sun) and exploded into pulverized matter. This pulverized matter was then caught in the orbit of suns, which were once Ptah’s planets. Osiris condensed pulverized matter and formed moons around his planets. This is how Isis got her moons and sun Re as one of them. In the process of evolution planet Isis became the sun, left Osiris’ solar system and created her own. In this solar system, Isis’ moons became her planets. One of them was Re. When Isis became the sun, she became Osiris’ wife. After that Osiris completed his evolutionary process, became a super nova (sun extinguishes and shrinks – “locked inside a wooden box”) and exploded (brought back to life for a short time) into pulverized matter (Osiris’ body torn apart). This pulverized matter was then caught in the orbit of suns, which were once Osiris’ planets. Isis condensed pulverized matter and formed moons around her planets. This is how Re for his moons and Horus (planet Earth) as one of them. Horus was created from Osiris and this is why Osiris is Horus’ father. Isis became Horus’ mother as she formed him out of pulverized matter (Osiris’ semen). In the process of evolution Re became a sun, left Isis’ solar system and created solar system Helios. Re’s moons became it planets and one of them was also Horus – planet Earth. After that sun Isis completed her evolutionary process, became a super nova (dying sun) and exploded into pulverized matter. This pulverized matter was then caught in the orbit of suns, which were once Isis’ planets. Sun Re condensed pulverized matter and formed moons around the planets of Helios solar system. Horus (Earth) also got his sister – Moon, which was created out of dying sun Isis – Horus’ mother. His sister, who will become his wife in the process of evolution, was formed out of a part of Horus’ mother, and so on.This story describes the process of circulation in the cosmos and in nature. Wife becomes a mother, husband becomes a sun, mother becomes a sister, sister becomes a wife, son becomes a father and father becomes a son… The same goes for all beings on planets.This is why Horus, who is reborn, has a sign of Isis – moon in the iris of the left eye and a sign of sun in the iris of the right one. This sign is also known as “the sign of Horus”, the sign of “The All Seeing Eye” or a sign of “beginning and the end”. Mass of the sun is a lot bigger than the mass of all the other materia inside a certain solar system. This is why every following sun is smaller. From huge solar system, smaller and smaller ones are created. In the beginning, there were few huge solar systems and today there is a huge amount of smaller solar systems. Before sun can complete its evolutionary process and die, it has to decompose most of its materia. This is why there is less and less materia in the cosmos. When a certain critical point is reached, total destruction of materia will take place and all the materia will be transformed back into energy. This will end the second phase – inhalation. From the beginning till the end of the second phase (decomposition), there are seven solar systems (suns) in the family tree of the last solar system (sun). Helios is the forth solar system in his family tree. The second phase is about 1/3 from the end. What happens in a few seconds, when a human is transformed into an angel, lasts for a few millions of billions of years in cosmos because of the relativity of time.Description of birth of smaller solar systems out of bigger one will help us understand the creation of fine (cosmic) atoms in human body in the process of self-culture. Even though there is no visible difference, the structure of molecules inside a human body is constantly changing. Instead of few rough, many fine atoms are created, which form a molecule. Sun is a reflection of vibration of planet’s Spirit (light), which is also called “heaven”. Angel is a reflection of vibration of human Spirit – light, which is hidden in the average vibration of planet’s Spirit.In the Bible, creation of moons is described in the following words: “When [heat has caused] the dust to run into a mass and the clods to cleave fast together?” This is a short description of the evolution of galaxies in the cosmos; birth and dying of suns through which materia turns into energy – light.What do you think? Doesn't that sound quite possible?

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Ive heard of this theory on a movie ive seen, its unknown to most but i understand what your saying but this may be hard for those who beleave in other religions to understand this. I for one some what beleave in this theory but then again i dont. Its very difficult for any old person to understand this but an open minded person would get it right away.....hmmm.....great now ill be thinking about this again and again. :)

Edited by Shadow Knight (see edit history)

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According to an audio book I've been listening to, the "Big Bang" (assuming you believe in it) created light gasses out of extreme amounts of energy, and then supernovae created heavier elements (solids, liquids, and heavier gasses) out of some of those light gasses.

But we all know that Stephen King is always right, and he says that a giant turtle puked up our galaxy (It).

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Great Scott.It sounds like you linked the Big Bang Theory, astrophysical genesis, and metaphysics all together. *applause*I'm not sure if I agree with (or perhaps I simply misunderstand) your idea of a cyclic universe. What I comprehend is that from the beginning of creation, the heavenly bodies are in a constant state of change in respect to their roles. That is, the Earth becomes the Sun, the Moon becomes the Earth, and the Sun becomes the Moon?or at least a change of the same principle. The idea sounds very nice when compared with Egyptian mythology, but it doesn't necessarily work like that in astrophysics.The Big Bang Theory indicates that in the beginning there was a giant mass of all materia, in which was stored all energy. By some sort of instability within the mass, there was a gigantic explosion. Gravity's natural force of attraction pulled clumps of mass together, which in turn pulled augmented amounts of mass in towards them. The clumps eventually formed the heavenly bodies. However, all "mass" isn't the same. Whatever instability there was at the beginning caused atoms to differentiate, if there hadn't already been different types at the start. From the difference in atoms, there was able to be formed different brands of heavenly bodies: lifeless clumps of dust like the Moon, chaotic stormy rocks like the Earth, and flaming balls of helium and hydrogen like the Sun. Because there are these different kinds of mass, it's very unlikely that something like the Earth or Moon would be able to morph into a star. The Earth, for instance, is mostly carbon-based, and carbon is an inadequate material for producing the nuclear energy required of a star. The Moon is an even less hopeful prospect.However, you say that all mass is slowly becoming energy. This is true in that a star's helium fusion process is constantly changing a very small amount of mass into energy each time the reaction is completed. It's my train of thought, though, that eventually through the explosion of many stars that the energy once emitted will come towards these stellar clouds, causing the mass to be energised and hence become unstable. The clouds will become seriously radioactive, and like any radioactive isotope, the mass will seek to become stable by tossing out alpha and beta particles as well as gamma rays. The particles may bond together and form new mass.As for newer, smaller solar systems coming about, I must agree. Many experts in the field believe that all mass in the universe is growing farther and farther apart. When a solar system dies, it's very possible that the vast and growing expanse throughout the remnants may cause the pieces to come together into more than one system. For instance, if a the star of a large solar system were to supernova and hence destroy all its orbiting planets and so on, the huge cloud in the aftermath would cover a great deal of space. Say that at the end points of this cloud, mass begins to come together. The gravitational pull of these clumps attracts more mass, and eventually the clumps become their own respective stars with their own orbiting families. Two solar systems have come out of one.The hardest part of your theory for me to understand is the bit where you say "Sun is a reflection of vibration of planet?s Spirit (light), which is also called ?heaven?. Angel is a reflection of vibration of human Spirit ? light, which is hidden in the average vibration of planet?s Spirit." Could you expand on this?

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