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Tell Me How Religion Works, Please? Religion

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All of you following a religion, what's so good about it?


What's so good about following a bunch of morals that aren't your own?


In my opinion, people shouldn't even be allowed to be in a religion until they turn 18. Want to know why? Because religion means absolutely nothing if you're born into it. Think about it...if you're Christian right now, do you really think you would be Christian if your parents weren't? (Same with Moslem, Buddhists, Jewish, every religion!).


Life is about being your own person and living for yourself. Not living for some being that you don't even know exists.


Please seriously think about this: Why do you devote your life to something that you don't 100% agree with? Come on, I know that someone in an organized religion can't agree with EVERY single rule laid out for them, so why follow it?


Why don't you follow your own set of morals, so that you can be completely happy with yourself and agree with everything you believe?


There's no way in hell that a million people could feel the exact same way about everything in life, now is there?


I'm completely lost as to why people are so obsessed with this "religion" nonsense.

Leave me some comments...I'm up for agreements and debates.

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I agree with you that if you are born to religion you arent choosing your morals or stand on life, i think that the reason people who follow a religion but not devoutly do it is because they need something that is not understandable but makes everything in their lifes have a reason and explain the un explainable. I think that the people who follow religions devoutly however truly believe in what they see and hear from the religion, as for following the rituals which to some people seem crazy i think that one of the reasons they do it is to carry on a tradition which has been passed from generation to genearation for thousands of years. Anyway that is just my two cents.

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Hi littlevet031 and welcome to the forums you should probably post your first one in the introduction section and this topic should be in the debate section.
Anyway here is what I think of religion. It is a guide to show you the way to heaven if the human being wants to. I am not obsessed on religion like go praying every hour. But I do follow my religion in the way I think and it is that God truely exists. But what's the proof of that? As a matter of fact I had lots of dreams of prophets and places like heaven and that every human on earth will die. So I really believed in religion that I follow because everything that the book said related to the religion (Holy Bible, Holy Qoran...) was true because I saw it in my dreams. Another proof for why to follow religion is that Holy books told things that really happened!! For example in the Holy Qoran God said (translated by meaning) that in the future there will be very tall buildings and that really happened, women will put body exposing clothes and people will be interested more to music and progresively people will get far and far away from religion: all this truely happened if you don't believe me than you could read some of the explanations on what God told that will happen in religious books.

In my opinion, people shouldn't even be allowed to be in a religion until they turn 18. Want to know why? Because religion means absolutely nothing if you're born into it. Think about it...if you're Christian right now, do you really think you would be Christian if your parents weren't? (Same with Moslem, Buddhists, Jewish, every religion!).

Everybody is free, he or she can do whatever they want no one has the right to oblige any human on earth to do something against his or her will. Following religions inclueded. It is not necessary following a religion is an obligation to follow it in the future. I know people who were muslams and they became christians and vice versa. But normally a human cannot change his religion if he is too young.

Life is about being your own person and living for yourself. Not living for some being that you don't even know exists.

Who said that?! Following religion won't take away your life and who you really are. Being obsessed in a religion could distract you from doing things but not everything. Everyone can follow religion and be themself. Who is that being that you are talking about?! As I told you that you can be sure that god exists by what I said in first place.People don't have to follow the same religion but evantually there is only one religion in the world wich is following God. Even if you don't believe in God, then God will always be there. He putted us in a test on earth and everyone is free to follow his will or not. They will be a Judge day when everyone will be in front of God and will suffer of what he or she did.
Nice Topic!!

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are you talking about just christianity, and not religion in general? religion is a very complicated topic to be discussed, even more focus on just one kind of religion out of thousands.i am a catholic, but i'm not devout. i don't believe everything that is contained in my religion--the rules, and all those stuff. it's because i've been through stuff in my life that i believe that the bible, or my religion for that matter, can't explain. the devout people always come to me and say, "no, the bible can explain everything that goes through one's life", but i think there are some stuff that doesn't seem to verify it all.i'm probably in a position of questioning christianity, but it's something i dwell upon too much, since like what i've said, it's a complicated stuff i don't even want to go through. all i know is i want to live my own life with my own ideals.

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