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Mcat Resources Anyone know/have any good (and free) resources?

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Hi there!


Like many individuals (particularly university students who are in the field of science), I aspire to be a doctor. About two weeks ago, I was having a huge debate with myself as to whether or not I should take a prep course, or try to tackle this monstrous test with my own study regime.


I eventually settled on relying on my own wits - partly because I believe that anything is achievable provided that the dedication, motivation and perseverance are all there but also because prep-courses are not cheap (and well, I’m not exactly the richest student).


In preparation for this, I’ve already started reviewing my physical science and biological science material. So far, I’ve been focusing on the ‘big picture’ as opposed to the ‘fine details’. Google has helped immensely in terms of providing direction into ‘areas of focus’.


The reason for this post, however, is a call for your help.


I realize that it is not only impractical but also impossible for me to read textbooks in preparation for the MCATs and that ultimately, I would have to invest in some form of prep-material, albeit, Examkrackers, the Kaplan books, among others.


Before I start spending, however; I was wondering if anyone knew of certain places on the web (not easily located by Google) that offers free resources e.g. past practice tests, review manuals… etc. or alternatively, if you the reader might have some resources that you wouldn’t mind sharing with me.


I don’t mean for this message to be interpreted as me ‘being cheap’, or ‘begging’. I am going through a rough time financially and would appreciate any form of help.


Many thanks


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topic not suited for the THE MIGHTY GOOGLE SEARCH! forums. moved. review Xisto forum rules & TOS.

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