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Kids And Parents

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So I heard this fourteen year old girl complaining the other day about how her mother wouldn't let her stay out all night on prom night because her boyfriend is nineteen. She called her mother a bich.Uh, hello?You're fourteen! I used to think my parents were being overprotective idiots, but now I understand why. The world is a harsh place out there and has no room for teenagers who think they know everything. Your parents have lived; I am pretty sure they know a thing or two about this thing called life. Sure, sometimes they might be a wee bit ridiculous, and maybe they are sometimes hypocritical, but they are adults and know what consequences are! Getting your cell phone taken away because you snuck out is just something parents do to try and prevent you from sneaking out again. Why? Because sneaking out in the middle of the night can get you killed, raped, etc. I think your lack of a cell phone for a week is just minor compared to what you will get if you get caught doing drugs, fighting, or whatever else it is that teenagers do. Your parents are trying to tame bad habits so you won't have to deal with the real life consequences of them later.And, kids, don't try to throw it up in your parents' faces that they did the same things when they were a kid that you are doing now. How would you feel if your skank of a daughter was running off to have sex with some guy she met off the internet? Exactly.I used to think that I would be a "cool" dad who would let his kids do anything, but now I realize that I am going to be one strict bich. If you are under eighteen, your parents own you. Deal with your "lack of freedom" for these short eighteen years so you can actually have a decent life when you are older. Right now, your life should consist of school and nothing else. School is what helps you live so you aren't living with your parents for the rest of your life. Your parents paid your bills, bought your clothes, and fed you.

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I remember throwing a tantrum when I was 7 years old because my brother got a toy and I didn't. I really F'd up my room Ha-ha. I was such a baby X-DI totally agree with you, but that's how teenagers are. They'll get over not being able to have sex with a guy they met off myspace. I rarely agree with my parents anymore, it all stopped a few years ago when I started growing up. But not everyone does that unfortunatly.

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Kids and teenagers are more grown up today than they were in our days of growing up. I see teenage girls all the time who look to be 5 -8 years older than they actually are. That scares me. I mean I could be hitting on an underage girl at anytime. She could be lying to me, or it could be a trap set by the cops.It's funny, but it seems like Females are going through this much more than males are. I mean whether or not a boy looks older doesn't really matter much. But a female, ooooo look out. Trouble.Parents need to take better control to make sure there childre ARE children until the are olld enough not to be. We are forcing our children to grow up way to fast. Look at the way some of these young girls dress today. Mini skirts, cell phones, makeup. Not Good.

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They seem more grown up today, maybe. Kids are sujected to a lot more things today than they were just a few years ago. The same thing could be said for when I was a teenage compared to when my mom was. But the thing is- a 14 year old girl is a 14 year old girl. It's never going to change. The stuff that we're actually ready for at that time is never going to change.Parents, though, sometimes they want to be that cool parent that let's their kids do the things they weren't allowed to do, or things have just gone out of control somewhere along the line. My parents thought they'd be those cool parents, they let my sister's boyfriend live at our house when she was 14! crazy! now she's grown up and has a family and is pretty strict with her kids to where they'd never even think of doing something like that.

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that issue is complicated...i for one think that sometimes they're too overprotective. I will not be like that. But in much things i agree with them... and respect them for it :)but what i'm gonna do when i'm a father (if i will be one anyway...) that's pretty complicated. But i think i'm gonna be crystal clear with them... they'll always know with what them count on :D that's for sure :)cheers

Edited by sasuki (see edit history)

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Hm...I am around that girls age. I dont blame her mother for the saying no!Hello the girl is only 14... i dont even go to dances lol but still her boyfriend is way too old! I mean what happened to going out with people your age. The guy could rape her if she is not into sleeping with people already.Anyways lol I cant think of anything else to say...

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