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What Is Life? What Is Death? maybe...

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Recently a good friend of mine passed away. She was far too young to die, her life was taken by a car accident. I've always wondered what happens after death, if anything... It was so untimely, and so abrupt. A car accident of every way.


I was thinking about my friend today, even though she cannot think of me anymore, ironic. At times I realise that perhaps a car crash was better than a long term illness, it was probably painless, but I still can't get over it. I just need to get my thoughts organised. I will miss her so much, and when I think of the death, it seems as though it never really happened. I cannot fathom the idea that I will never see her again. This is the first death of somebody close I've experienced. Ironically, the rest of her family died in the car crash and her father had died earlier... it is such a sad story. Hopefully the family is now reunited again, much like Romeo and Juliet, but who knows.


As I speak to others who remember her, it sends chills up my spine, to know that we have such close members of a person that ceases to exist anymore, it all just seems so unreal. Sometimes I ponder life and death, why do we fear death? After all, it is nothing, no pain, right? But still we fear it, I looked towards science and formed my theory. Based on the evolutionary theory, those humans that feared death oh so long ago must have died out quickly without reproducing, so I guess that gene wasn't represented in the next generation. But can science really answer everything?


I just don't know, my feelings are very mixed right now, and everything may seem unorganised, sorry about that, I really can't think straight, I just need to get a lot of things off my mind. My friend was a good person, too, I will not give out her name in respect, but I'd like to dedicate this to her she was a good friend, always there and always smiling. She defined optimism and cheered me up when I was down.


I will miss you - Rest In Peace.


Thanks, you need not reply if you do not wish, I just needed to get some things off my mind.


PS my birthday was yesterday, May 2nd, a bit of happy <_< I'm sure the last thing she would want was for us to greive like this, so I have tried to stay happy in rememberance, for her, it's hard.

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Sorry to hear about your friends demise.I can understand about how you must be feeling at this point of time and your posts actually shows that how sad you must be, I am sure that she is no more physically present on this earth but she will always be there with you and other friends and relatives.

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sorry for your lose... :\i thinked very much about life and death... and i reached a conclusion... death is a mere stage of life.life never ends and death is just a change, mainly because what a person is never disapears, it only changes into something else... matter that changes to other matter. i think that life is a complete cycle were we're always there, everywhere in the universe. where we're all part a bigger being, if we can call it that, that is the Universe :) That can explain something... Darwin said that every being is trying to adapt its enviroment... if the universe is just like that, we're probably the ones that are making it evolve. what do you think?oh well it's just my idea of life and death... :)i hope you got a great birthday... i had mine three days after yours :Dcheers

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Sorry so much for your lose. I have too lost someone dear to me, he was my grandfather. He died just after fulfilling his long life dream, that was, believe it or not, to reconstruct a windmill at the top of a hill in a beautiful and extense field of yellow and bright grass. I don't know why he wanted that so much, but all I know is that after months of hardwork (with his own effort, and his friends') he finally turned that big rock into a beautiful windmill, fully functional /he even appeared in the regional magazine).That was the very day he caught some problem on his back while lifting a stone, and had to spend a month or two lying in a bed, partially immobilized. And his biggest pain must have been when he wanted to talk or kiss his grandchildren, and he barely moved his lips to talk.This kind of suffering is not the ideal way to die. In some way, I preferred that the windmill had colapsed all over his head, instead of seeing him in this state of a death transition state.I am sure that both your friend and my grandfather are, in some way, alive, because one of the things that is beyond my comprehension is to imagine how it is to die. Just imagine yourself not feeling anything, not seeing anything, not thinking anything.. not existing.. How could you be happy or sad if you were not you anymore. (physically speaking, when your brain is dead, so is your ability to think about anything. You can't even dream)So there are only two options. Or there is really a spiritual and soul concept related to this physical world, or there isn't, and we simply stop existing in the universe. As you can see, If you try at least imagining yourself bodyless (without brain and all), and thinking as yourself, it is a very complicated and complex matter that is beyound our comprehension. Just rest assured that when our day comes, we will discover (if 'we' can even consider ourselves as 'we').. ok

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