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War In Iraq Ever Ending? bush says we may pull out troops

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Now I'm sure you've all heard this before, people complaining about the Iraqi war, but I just don't understand this. At the beginning of the war Bush did not allow dead US soldiers' coffins to be televised. If you take a trip back to Vietnam, it was the televised war and coffins draped in US flags on tv that made it so unpopular. Well, it didn't seem to help this time, I guess, the war is still unpopular.I saw a news article earlier today, which said that talks will start between the US and the new government in Iraq about withdrawing troops. Then they went into explaining that withdrawl is dependent on how stable the new government and all that. Apparently the US has over 130,000 troops there, and it "may" be shaved down to 100,000 by the end of the year... END OF THE YEAR?! Hasn't it been long enough? Or am I the only one that is outraged, and if we withdraw 30,000 troops and leave the rest hanging around for two years or so, then we wouldn't be fully out of Iraq and the lack of troops problem will be even worst. I don't understand how the Bush administration will get out of this one, but I have a feeling they're just going to prolong so it'll be the next President's problem. Politics really is confuzing.Anyway, I hope I haven't offended any pro-Iraqi war people or any pro-Bush people, I dislike Kerry just as much. I don't think he could have done any better job either.Post your thoughts! I'm new, and I love talking about politics and the news.

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well, This is already discussed earlier - I mean the topic about warn in Iraq but as you've said that you read the article on the internet about withdrawing of troops...can you please post the link of the article because if it is FIR then please make sure that you post the articles or news link too!

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Anyway, I hope I haven't offended any pro-Iraqi war people or any pro-Bush people, I dislike Kerry just as much. I don't think he could have done any better job either.


Post your thoughts! I'm new, and I love talking about politics and the news.

Yea thats really how I feel... at the moment I really do think America is going to fall apart by the time I reach 40 if I still am live (*knock on wood* :huh: ). But I don't like Bush any more and I really don't like Kerry and his Botox. If you want to see something funny you can check out http://www.jibjab.com/ecards and see what they have to view! :lol:


Eh hem... back on topic ( :P ) well Bush always says stuff (more like crap, lies, empty thoughts of his personal writers <_< ) that oh "We will do this"...."America is Stronger"...."We are improving"... who the hell is the "WE" in these statments and stuff. I mean what the heck is wrong with him.... its YOU, YOU, is who is making the general opinion of all Americans, well not all of us agree with you Mr. Bush (hope you see that).


But don't tell me I hate the US or anything, because I don't and its a really nice place, but I don't really know what to believe or who to believe after all this stuff has happened. Its like playing brain teasers on your fellow citizens and stuff..... because everybody is making up something different and its so confusing. Well you see where I am, 14 and confused. :lol: . But hey, web design makes up for that, your own little world. :)

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Haha, I agree. And one problem with Bush is that he's hurting the US image in the international community. Europeans don't like the US as much as they used to, which is too bad because it is unfair to judge a group of people by one administration, that is clearly not representing the people.As for the link, I don't quite have a link, because I saw it on BBC this morning, but I'm sure they have a link on their site about it, I can go search for it and come back and post it here.Anyway back to the matter on hand, and yes I've been to jibjab, PURE GENIUS!I hope others will post here, too, especially those that don't agree with me, I always love hearing the other side's argument, because how can one learn if they only hear one side of everything?

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I hope others will post here, too, especially those that don't agree with me, I always love hearing the other side's argument, because how can one learn if they only hear one side of everything?


If Bush cares about this so much, why does he not get his little Texas (pick-a-word) and post here telling us what we REALLY need to know. And yes its true, I want to see so opposing action here <_< , just so we can get the big overall picture and stuff. And its so true that you can't judge one country by 1 person that runs it, its so biased!



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I think your going to turn out to be a great member here, thanks for posting this, because its a grea topic and stuff. Nice work. :lol:

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And its so true that you can't judge one country by 1 person that runs it, its so biased!

Yes, unfortunate truly, and especially in times of war. I'm not sure if everyone else has ever thought of it this way, but especially WWII and perhaps the Cold War. For example, the Nazis, Germany was thought of as horrible, when truly it was the Nazi regime, not everyone was a Nazi, or another example is Japan during WWII, citizens are judged by the actions of politicians and generals. We are the mercy of those who govern us, but really, shouldn't it be the other way around? Shouldn't the people be telling the government to do? And I'm sure if that were the case, Americans would be telling Bush to end the war, troop withdrawls faster, too. I can't believe Blair dragged the UK into Iraq, too.

Off Topic: Thanks so much <_<, I really like it here, forums are very active and the people are very nice!

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