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Subject: [statscheck] Stats/server Overload On Gamma.xisto.com Not a Complaint... Just Curious

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I just finally checked my domain e-mail and found this e-mail [there are four more with the same subject line but I haven't checked them yet]:

A message that you sent contained no recipient addresses, and therefore nodelivery could be attempted.

------ This is a copy of your message, including all the headers. ------

From: root
From: root@gamma.xisto.com
Subject: [statscheck] Stats/Server Overload on gamma.xisto.com
Message-Id: <E1FThy9-0007Ft-7e@gamma.xisto.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 16:13:25 +0000

IMPORTANT: Do not ignore this email.
This is cPanel stats runner on gamma.xisto.com!
While processing the log files for user <<removed>>, the cpu has been
maxed out for more than a 6 hour period. The current load/uptime line on the server at the time of
this email is
16:13:24 up 17 days, 19:08, 0 users, load average: 2.39, 2.34, 2.20
You should check the server to see why the load is so high and take
steps to lower the load. If you want stats to continue to run even with a high load; Edit
/var/cpanel/cpanel.config and change extracpus to a number larger then 0 (run
/usr/local/cpanel/startup afterwards to pickup the changes).

Did I do something wrong? :lol:

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You have tooo many entries in the logs and when generating logs using this data, the server script timed out. It is because of this, you got that email.If you give more details regarding your site when can assist you further.

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