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Se?or Maniac

Help With Im Programs.

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Can anyonne help me with some troubles that I am having with two of my instant messengers. I am having a problem with two instant messengers. The ones that are giving me the problems are msn and aim triton. List of problems with AIM Triton:


1. Validating: I am having a problem with my aim account validating my login information. It will either A) Stay stuck in the validating section, or :angry: It will say that the username o=r that the password is incorrect.


2. Re-installing: I have tried to download the newest version of AIM so that I can re-install the aim. But when it tries to download it, A message in a little square box pops up and says "We encountered an error during the download process. Please try downloading again from aim.com/. If you continue to experience difficulties, please go to aim.com/ and report a bug." When I go to to the website I find that it is a little hard to navigate and to find the right section that I want, because some of the things are not showing up. List of problems that I am facing with MSN Messenger:


1. The program keeps on freezing alot whenever I have tried to do anything with it recently, and I do not know why. 2. Whenever everything stops being laggy, and I become able to type in the log-in information that is required for me to login in, it stays in the screen where it says logging in forever. Has anyone else had this.

3. This has become the biggest problem that I have faced with the program. Now even when I try to hit the sign-on button, I am given a message that says MSN Messenger can not connect, and I get the options of chosing ok, retry, and cancel. No matter what I do at that point I am stuck. I do not know if I re-install it if it will work. Also I dare not leave anything at microsoft because of the sheer fact that it takes them way to long for to actually get responded to. Anyways if anyone has any info that can be helpful to me thanks in advance.

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Try a third party client like Miranda IM, GAIM, or trillian, which will allow you to access both AIM and MSN in a single client. If that doesn't fix it, try setting up your clients to connect to different validation servers than they're set to now -- there's ample documentation on that if you search google.

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I don't use AIM so I can't help you on it. You can take WindAndWater's advice by switching to another third party IM client.


As for MSN messenger, I had this problem sometimes. This is what I will do.

1. Open up Options in MSN. (Tools/Options)

2. Go to the last option stating "Connection"

3. In the Connection Troubleshooter, click Start to troubleshoot any possible errors. Over here, MSN will usually self heal its connection settings and you will then once again able to log in without problems. See screenshot.

Posted Image


In the time where I took this screenshot, I'm connected to MSN, hence that button is disabled for me. It will be enabled for you when you are not connected to MSN.

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