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Invision Free Category Ranking A mod that shows the most used areas of your ipb

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what this do:
A mod that shows the most used areas of your invisionfree board.

Go: 'Admin CP > Skinning & Styles > Board Wrappers > Footer:


<script><!--/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *\| Ultimate Category Ranking System v0.6 || Created by Silvery hat hacker || Calculation based on Simple Math Equation - Basic Edition |\* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *///Ranking Bar Images SetBarLeft= "http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/8338/bar5l3kk.gif"BarCenter="http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/6384/bar56xy.gif"BarRight="http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/5070/bar5r6zb.gif"//-----This part of code coded by Forsaken - Some modified by Shacker-----iTable = document.getElementsByTagName("Table");for(i=0;i<iTable.length;i++){if( iTable[i].rows[0].cells.length=="5" && iTable[i].rows[0].cells[1].innerHTML.match(/Forum/i)){iTr = iTable[i].getElementsByTagName("Tr");iValue = new Array(0,0);for(x=1;x<(iTr.length-1);x++){if(iTr[x].cells[2].innerHTML.match(/(\d+)/i)){iValue[0] += parseInt(iTr[x].cells[2].innerHTML);};if(iTr[x].cells[3].innerHTML.match(/(\d+)/i)){iValue[1] += parseInt(iTr[x].cells[3].innerHTML);};};for(x=0;x<4;x++){iTr[iTr.length-1].insertCell(-1);};iCell = iTr[iTr.length-1].cells;iCell[0].colSpan = 1; iCell[2].className = "darkrow2"; iCell[3].className = "darkrow2"; iCell[4].className = "darkrow2";iCell[0].align = "right"; iCell[0].innerHTML = "<b>Rank:<b> ";for(x=0;x<1;x++){iCell[x+1].className = "row3";iCell[x+1].colSpan = 1;iCell[x+1].align = "left";// -----------------------------------End-----------------------------------------LRB= Math.round((iValue[1]+iValue[0])/10);iCell[x+1].innerHTML = "<img src='"+BarLeft+"'>"+"<img src='"+BarCenter+"' width="+LRB+" height=10><img src='"+BarRight+"'> "+LRB+" Points"};};};//--></script>

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