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Help Installing Phpmyadmin ..

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i've installed php and mysql to my computer and i want to install PhpMyAdmin , (i have apache) , i tried to find how to confure it , and it says Create the file config.inc.php in the main (top-level) directory , i dont know how to create that file..can some one tell me how i can confure that config file ??

and how i can run php in safe mode ?

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i have installed phpmyadmin , some how now..and it seems to work fine now..but there's a lil problem that , when i type..

LOCALHOST/phpmyadmin/ it opens the page where the directory files are mentioned , like

Index of /phpmyadmin
Name Last modified Size Description

but when i type..

LOCALHOST/phpmyadmin/index.php , then it opens the welcome page of the phpmyadmin..
my point is that , since the index.php file is present in phpmyadmin , then why it doesnt open the welcome page by writing , LOCALHOST/phpmyadmin/ ...
has anyone any idea?

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You can user Wamp Software
It has Apache / My Sql / And php
You can download wamp server here :: http://www.wampserver.com/
wamp5 has this options :
1 - apache 1.3.33
2 - PHP 5.0.3
3 - MySql .1.8-nt-log - extension : mysqli
4 - No config
5 - PHPMYADMIN 2.6.0-pl3
6 - SQLitemanager 1.0.4
7 - You can Start / Stop Services
8 - You can Edit Config
9 - You can make Wamp at startup Windows
10 - easy Access sites ' LOCALHOST/' No "LOCALHOST:8080"
11 - restart servies by 1 click
12 - easy install
13 - easy access www dir

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