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Internet Connection Sharing (ics) Easy little tool

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My girlfriend an I just recently got broadband cable and since we already had our pc's networked together we decided that the easiest thing to do and to save money would be to use ICS. Unfortunately the Windows XP ICS uterly sucks, especially if one tries to get it to work over an ad-hoc wireless connection.

So I started to look around and I came across this nifty little tool called CCproxy. It acts as a proxy on the computer sharing the network connection and it works like a charm. They have a free version which supports up to 3 users at the same time and is otherwise unlimited. It works like a charm and everything is fully configurable. I can fully recommend it and anyone who has ever tried to mess with Winodws' internal ICS will know how much such a little tool can help.

Now on to my question... is there a way so that instead of having to configure all my programs one by one to use the proxy, every program automatically uses the proxy? Is there any way so that when a program tries to connect to the internet, the connection is automatically routed toweards the proxy?

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