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Prologue To An Unnamed Fantasy

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This is the prologue of my discontinued story (but I could recontinue if anyone likes it) find the rest of the story at realmofmagikaiRealm of the MagiKai:

David Loslin rushed through the pavement scattering pieces of paper from the large pile within his arms. He did not care about those stray pieces of paper however. The prize was underneath all that litter. A treasure beyond anyones wildest dreams.

He raced down to a small nondescript house over looking the city. He panted hard and tried to catch his breath. A few more pieces of paper flew off his arms. He set down all the paper and brushed himself from any other lingering bits and knocked on the tiny wooden door.

An old woman opened it and gasped, What are you doing here? You risk my life and yours for what?
For this, David smiled and the old woman saw a darkness ringing his eyes.
What is it? she said, cautious and scared.
This, my dear, is the future, he paused and almost as an afterthought, my future.

It was then when the woman saw, to her horror, the change that had come upon her son.
What is it? she repeated, no less frightened.

In one swift movement, David grasped at the object and pulled it out. The woman cried out.
Do you know what you have done? We promised never to try to find it again. We promised never to reveal its possible locations. We are now doomed, she spoke the last sentence in a hollow voice seeing the lack of expression on Davids face, her voice fading away.
You promised not I, never I. And as for me being doomed, you are quite mistaken.

He drew an object from his pocket. The old woman saw that it was a tiny silver needle.
You do realise that you are now useless to me, he sighed in contentment, I had hoped that you would tell me where it was but after all these years it was I that would unearth the power once again.
He looked into his mothers eyes and saw fear and steady glow of hunger, hunger for his power.
I loved and still love you mother. Know that always. And with that David took his needle and shouted a word. The needle turned dull orange with heat and he flicked it towards his mother. The needle struck the womans heart. She looked at David in shock and reached out to pluck the still glowing needle. Amazingly, she began to laugh, high and cold and shrill. She slowly sank to the floor and still laughing, fell over. The laughs faded and great sobs issued from her mouth until with one last wet sigh, she died.

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