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Call For A Tlug? How about a Trap17 Linux Users Group?

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I have something that might be a bit of an idea, thought I'd share it so I know if it's a good idea or a bad one. I get the feeling (upon having browsed a few forums around here) that a lot of Xisto members are also users of linux. Not necessarily passionate, anti-every-non-unix-OS users, or potential kernel hackers - just balanced and normal, every-day linux users. So I was wondering if we could have a separarate sub group called the Xisto LUG, perhaps a new board or a plain mailing list - to discuss Linux and related issues. Obviously, every member of Xisto is, by default, member of the TLUG - you contribute if and when you would like to.

Here is more on forming LUGs. Any takers?

[Edit: Added the url to the how-to.]

Edited by mama_soap (see edit history)

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